
Except she hardly knows those two younger children exist—or so it seems.

I think you can accept that the ex is still going to be around, but how many people would be OK the ex living in the basement? Also, Helen lied to Vic about her interactions with Noah. That broke the trust that was necessary for him to accept the relationship with the ex.

There are so many things wrong with this show. I think I watch it just to be confounded by the directions the writers go in. Here are a few:
-Noah was convicted of vehicular homicide, right? Would that really get him three years? He wasn't drunk, was he? That seems like a lot for something that was basically an

What does Dr. Vic see in Helen? What does anyone see in Noah? I don't know if Dominic West was an appealing actor in other roles, but I don't think I could stand to see him now. Why do I watch this show? It's the show I love to hate.

Racism is attributing characteristics to people based on their race. Saying that white women are raised to be manipulative is, by definition, racist. I will respond no more to you but think you should examine your own attitude of tagging an entire group of people with negative characteristics based on a semi-comic,

Those are all fictional characters. They depicted in an extreme position—prison—trying to survive. They say nothing about real people in normal circumstances. To say that white women are taught to manipulate is flat-out racist.

White women are taught to manipulate? Aside from the fact that Judy King is purely fictional and with Poussey dead, we'll never know what the writers would do, that is a very racist statement!

Piper, yes (not on show). Alex, no (like the character a lot).


Creepy but so realistic!

Rebecca didn't compose the piece Chuck was playing. Her name was just written on the sheet music. The piece was Sicilienne by Faure, a French composer.

Mike killed his son's partner, but the same principle applies. The two who killed Mike's son (their partner) found out it was a bell they couldn't unring.

It was ambiguous because it was Noah's POV. It was absolutely borderline.

It was Noah's point of view. He didn't think it was rape, either.

But why does her mother get the brunt of her rage? Her father disapproved of Noah, too, and used his money to control her. I hope she doesn't just gravitate over to him for family (and money) support.

It was deliberately ambiguous. It was definitely selfish.

An awful lot of the flashbacks show the women coming from privileged backgrounds. How realistic is that?

If the show presents Judaism like it does Christianity, I wouldn't rely on it as instructive about Judaism. Judaism can be plenty rule-bound. Just read the Hebrew Bible. It's kind of ironic that Cindy wanted to get away from Christianity's rules so she could follow a Jewish one (keeping Kosher).

If the ending is that Don goes back to New York and creates an ad based on his Esalen experience, it reminds me of The Sopranos where no one has any emotional growth or desire to change. It just goes on and on and on.

Creepy Glen was amusing when he was a little kid but I didn't need to see him through his teenage years! I'm sure the fact that he was Matthew Weiner's son had nothing to do with his recurring scenes…