Would Don become Andy then?
There is no doubt that Betty's reaction to the plastic bag incident was intended to show how things now thought of as dangerous were not back then, not to show she was a bad parent. The dangers of second-hand smoke weren't well-known until much later. Smoking was allowed on airplanes through the 70's at least—and…
The dry cleaning bag incident was indicative of the times. People in the 50's-early 60's hadn't been made aware of the danger of plastic bags. I would say that being married to Don, the cheater, who gaslighted her and came and went as he pleased, even disappearing for weeks on end and walking out on his child's…
I doubt if she is so universally "loathed." She was originally a very sympathetic character.
Well, Redd Foxx does have light skin…
Don doesn't know it yet, but he is tied down, because of his kids. He can't leave them as virtual orphans, unless he is a sociopath. That hasn't been how he has been portrayed for seven seasons, despite his deceptions.
It treated him more like an adult. I think she handled it well.
Talent-LOL! Maybe they should have cast an actress with talent to play her. The fact that she took the money showed her true character—more Jane than young Mia Farrow (who took nothing from Frank Sinatra).
Jessica Pare is a bad actress playing a bad actress. Her scenes are cringe-worthy.
Bad episode. So disjointed, skipping from one character to the next with no connection and no resolution. Too much time on Megan. And why was she so angry at Don? Isn't she the one who moved away and wanted to end the marriage? I hope we have seen the last of her and her boring family. How did Peggy's story…
Anyone who thinks they will get rich as a law firm associate is an idiot. What would happen to Jimmy after his case settled? He'd be out. Jimmy does care about the money—as Marco told him, if he's not getting rich as a lawyer, he's doing it wrong. He has decided to do it right, meaning use his talents. His…
He deliberately tried to appear downscale because he didn't want to attract the attention of law enforcement. And only a small handful of law firm associates make partner. And partnership is no guarantee. Lose your clients, through mergers, death or competition, and you're out. The Saul character has the…
I can think of lots of reasons. Working at a law firm can be stifling and you do not control your own destiny. Remember when Jimmy tried to talk Kim out of staying at HHM? It is completely in keeping with his character that he would go in another direction.
So not true. The successful sole practitioner—especially a plaintiff's lawyer—can make much more than a law firm lawyer. They get all of the fees they collect. The law firm lawyer brings the money into the firm and it is reflected somewhat—or not—in his compensation. Unless he is the managing partner or on the…
That isn't going to happen. And if it did, it wouldn't work out because lovable Jimmy is going to become cynical Saul. I know it's hard to accept, but it is going to happen!
Do you mean the lost continent of Atlantis?
Hamm's was sold in Chicago back in the day, but Old Style is a Chicago cliche or insider's joke—not sure exactly how to characterize it. At Wrigley Field they sell two kinds of beer—Budweiser and Old Style. Those in the know always look for the Old Style guy.
You mean it wasn't Donovan?