
must we go there right now? feeling a bit too raw today for that..

ok that was confusing, but i get it. more plastic coffee please..

i would like a plastic cup of coffee with some plastic straws to stir in my creme and sugar and bpa.

@chanmoss: and what is this i just read about them reaching into someone's underwear during a patdown—top of google news

why is the TSA allowed to spend its resources intimidating the guy who videotaped their actions rather than doing its job? i'm sure they would argue that its because they think this guy is filming their procedures for possible terrorist planning...what are we arguing for anyway, looser regulations? i wanna feel

ooo yellow submarine ipod...

@danuuc: here here, plastic makes my wrist break-out in hives after a while..


sumptuous and luxurious dark energy

Now playing

let's place demand on the industry to stop designing for the dump and agree on one modular standard, this could be a beautiful thing...

i played this game after 9/11 on the subway every day all the time (also sending this message to my therapist.)

the music sounds like its going "uhhhh ohhhhhh"

my origins are in a kush ball

i just wanted to compliment gizmodo. your blog so consistently great—you are keeping me glued! thank you for all the years of entertainment.

had a guy on my flight who turned on his cellphone while we were still in the air before landing. he had it on frickin speakerphone saying "i'll call you when we land!" the person on the other end sounded annoyed. i was annoyed, and slightly scared, WHO DOES THIS? i asked the flight attendant when i was getting

john rowden is rad

if you find situational drugged out movies funny, check out "smiley face", one of the funniest movies i've seen in a long time (about a stoner chick). i've watched it like 4 times...

great job introducing the world of the future to the audience-models make it believable (cgi is effective, but cgi couldn't do what they did creating the scenes/ambience for this film). it certainly helps to have an incredible soundtrack by the legendary Vangelis to go along with the visuals—takes my breath away.