
The article is false by claiming that H3H3 mocked Matt Hoss. They in no way broke fair use law by using bits from his video since they were used to criticize Matt Hoss and his video. Mockery is defined as “making fun of someone or something in a cruel way” while criticism is defined as “the analysis and judgment of

You seem like someone who’s unfamiliar with both the Kleins and Matt Hoss. It’s as if you wrote this article because it’s one of the bigger stories on Reddit, YouTube, Twitter and other websites around the net and you know it’ll get you some hits because it has H3H3 winning their lawsuit in it.

Matt Hoss original wanted to extort Ethan and Hila for $4,000. When they didn’t bend the knee he most likely sued them out of rage that they didn’t comply and didn’t truly know what shit he got himself and how much support H3H3 has all over the Internet.

And in terms of subscriber base, the H3H3 couple certainly comes off as a big bully.

“Big bullies?” You’re kidding me right?

You write like someone very unfamiliar with H3, which is a bit absurd considering this is Gizmodo. Nothing H3 does is bullying, anymore than the Onion is a bully for writing a mean thing about a celebrity. It’s satire, it’s mocking, and 90% of the people they mock enjoy it, benefit from it or generally are too big and

I can’t believe he could even find a lawyer to take the case. This is literally Fair Use 101, and there was no way he was going to win it.

Whether you like them is not the point. The point is anyone should be able to make that video that they made without being sued.

No, That’s not what H3H3 did AT ALL. Your analogy is absurd and you clearly don’t know anything about the case.

So condescending and dismissive. YouTube is a medium just like film or television. No better or worse. Lots of it is terrible, but there are many talented, creative and hard working creators on YouTube making amazing content.

Matt Hoss?

I assume this is Matt Hoss’ burner. You’re insane dude.

Wait, are you actually taking Hosses side on this one?

And in terms of subscriber base, the H3H3 couple certainly comes off as a big bully.