
When calling for someone to get the sack I think a certain amount of care should be taken with regard to general public knowledge.

Sorry we need most of the debate so we are taking it. But we will set aside a couple of threads for your people to use.

My boyfriend at the time decided that he wanted to try a little light bondage with me. Okay, sure. A couple of minutes later I was tied to the bed. He couldn't decide what to do next, so he covered me up with a blanket and left the dorm room. I was still tied to the bed. Still naked.
His roommate came back to the room,

This story has never been unveiled and I'm three whiskeys deep while dinner is still-a-cookin' so I figured "hey why not put it on the internet?!" I know, I know, my genius is unmatched. So, anywho—-

Parked car, well into the night, naked from the waist down, his head between my legs, cops shine giant flashlights into the backseat.

Upscale hotel in Boston, weekend getaway. I booked a regular room but it was REALLY NICE. Like, a lot nicer than I thought from the pictures and what not. Whatevs. After a lovely dinner, me and my guy are going at it on the king bed I don't remember booking? (*shrug* I'll take it) and mid-moan, mid-thrust, my guy is

I was giving my husband a BJ and suddenly he got the giggles. I look over and here are my 2 cats just staring at me. Yes, I fuck in front of my pets because if I keep the door closed, they'll just paw and head butt the door, which ruins sexy times even more. Apparently, not only were my pervy cats watching us, but

Now playing

That's kind of absurd. Also, guess which one of us is half Chinese?

So you mean that the 2nd layer of satire was a bridge too far?


I'm from DE, and let me tell you Joe and Dr. Biden are really lovely people.

I would watch the CRAP out of that.

"The Bidens" is a reality show that needs to happen.

Objectification? This screams it. Dehumanization? The fact that they wouldnt take this photo of a male? You must have seen the ones they do of females in their clothes compared to males...

I have a B.A. in Women's Studies and am working on my Masters, and I honestly do not see how this picture is sexist?

This picture is 100% geared towards the male gaze and also invites some questionable comparisons to "upskirt" photos.

"My life revolves around my relationship with Jesus Christ."

Is THAT a good idea?

"Let them clock in."

Looks like the difference is that AP 'shopped out (or minimized the appearance of) the nips, and AA didn't. Or maybe that AP's models look "happy and sexy" and AA's models look like they're going to eat your soul, then make a unitard out of your skin...