
Years ago I hosted Speed Dating as a second job after moving to a new city. I figured I might meet some cool chicks to make friends, and, who knows, I might meet a hot dude.
I came across so many douchey guys - particularly older guys. We would run two groups at a time, grouped by age. At least a couple of guys

If you were interested in being fair, you'd have included the clarification Kelly gave when they came back from commercial—that he was simply impressed by her breasts, and that he planned to masturbate once the segment was over. A perfectly innocent explanation.

"Balls with dancing" is third in the list of meanings for the word "balls" in my brain's dictionary.

So much left out.

Boston has qualifying standards based on age and sex. Even some the qualified runners were shut out because the race sold out. What these people did was crash a party they would never have been invited to, had some of the host's free food and drink, then walked away with centerpiece.

I get the same shit.

if men had babies there would be mandated law for 6 months of paid leave.

People can argue about the the merits and non merits of how many hours Americans work when compared to other first world countries- and both sides of the arguments pro's and con's. But I seriously cant understand why anyone (and boy are there a lot of these people) that get offended at the concept of paid maternity

My dad, a Boomer, occasionally reminds me that "everyone pays their dues". I then remind him that in his 20s he supported a wife, two kids, and a mortgage on one income and had Fridays off in the summer.

You guys, I feel this is a safe zone to say that I've been watching a ton of college gymnastics lately, and I'm loving it. Why isn't there more gymnastics on tv?!

Surprising. Less vaccinations would lead to more dead babies meaning increased rib supply.

I could watch an entire show just about Camille & Lena. There's so like a hundred things going on between them whenever they're together or acting in relation to the other.

It was. Easily one of my favorite shows ever and the twist in the first episode maybe my favorite twist ever. And now with that said, STOP SLACKING OFF FRENCHIES, I WANT MY 2ND SEASON NOW!!!!!!!!!!

1st question:: WTF is going on in this beautiful /chilling show?? (And who the Fuck would want to live below a dam) and I love how the youth are both mature and typical teens.

That the highlighted portions appear in a non-Sci-Fi book at all is scary enough.

Quotes from John Holdrens book Ecoscience: