
I dont know if you can call it a pattern when you cant swing a dead fish and not hit someone in law enforcement who trump hates.

Who was the US Attorney who convicted Blagojevich: Patrick J. Fitzgerald

What is crazy is that I’m just south of Columbia in MoCo and we seriously just got drizzle all day. Went to Centennial park today expecting to see damage from the storms but it was minimal. I’ve never seen a tiny spot get so many localized slow moving thunderstorms.

I think some people just jump into action without thinking too much whether it be to rescue a pet or person. And floods like this one change so fast, one second it could be at your ankles and you’re trying to help someone out of a car and then a few seconds later it’s nearly up to your waist and the car is moving and

Extremely sad. I read he was trying to save a woman who went to rescue her pet?? What are the chances he’s alive still? It seems unlikely. :(

Fuck this guy.

I’m a solo act too. I absolutely hear you—holidays, long weekends, and any other time people associate with family can be hard when you don’t have a partner or kids.

I did it.

You’re drunk again, grandpa

It’s wholly intense up until the final reveal of their end-game plan, which veers off into hokey, ‘B’ movie mad science land. Maybe that was the intent but it could’ve went in a more ambiguous and sinister direction.

Disagree. The third act is great and tense. Its not clear at all what the ending will be on the first viewing.

So he’s basically saying these men have a “have sex with me or I’ll murder some people” take on life? And it’s somehow our responsibly to provide that sex in order to protect ourselves and our society from them? Ummmm, k.

I think he sounds more Kermit.

when my mother told her aunt about the sexual abuse she was experiencing, my great aunt said, “oh, these things happen”.

It’s just enough to drive a modern person mad to listen to these incels from the internet area ensconced in their comfortable secure lives complaining about the fact that they’re discriminated against because they don’t have enough sex. It’s like, Jesus get a hobby. For Christ’s sake, you — you — ”

The whole “we’ve all been in that situation” dismal is so annoying. Yes many women have been in Grace’s place. That doesn’t mean that what happened wasn’t wrong. It just means that many men get away with it. I’m glad you pointed that out in the article

So I see she’s already had some coffee.

Holy shit, glad I wasn’t on Jezebel in ‘10. I support abortion for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. End of.

I mean, it is technically a miscarriage. It’s not for nothing that the medical term for a miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion. I get why it would be sensitive for people who have had miscarriages and are grieving for wanted pregnancies, but what is happening physically isn’t really different.