
To everyone: thanks for all the comments, it is waaay beyond my expectations and now i feel a bit overwhelmed. Anyways, I know that the spy is pretty dull, and there are a few other obvious things that I would like to fix. I promise to fix them with the next release, and will also release the source art from my side

@TheSmaug: Seriously? I'd love that! Hats hats hats! Here is my steam url:

@Metallipod: i was actually thinking about this, source sdk is already installed on my system, and today is a sunday..

yay i finally won one!

@Wafflemao: I'd love to do that, but i'm at work right now, and don't think that i'll be able to sneak out time for that. Thanks for the suggestions, i'd really try to make it if possible

Ok here it is, Team Fortress: Tron

the orange box for about $2.5, and gta 4 for $5, and yeah, age of empires 3 for 10 cents

got all the indie packs that came out yet on steam. great deals, and makes me feel good that i am helping the awesome indie developers in some way

where is my patch for the pc version treyarch? i feel cheated: had pre-ordered it on steam

ddr brings a really funny memory: me and a couple of my friends went to a mall after finishing a build, and there was a ddr machine out there, and people were going crazy over it. we tried too, and were stars of the place after doing a 35 combo on the beginner level. then, two hot chicks come, and we snigger at them

14 hrs while i used to stay at the hostel. me and a couple of my buddies skipped the classes and spent the entire time playing unreal tournament 2004. we stopped finally when one person puked

awesomely supersensationally cute!

damn, there are a couple of games that just should be here: mario to start with, then god of war series, and top it off with team fortress 2. portal also deserves a mention.

Gosh. Being a game developer isn't good in this case. I hardly get to play any other game apart form the game we are working on and two hours of team fortress 2 every evening. Here is my list: