
I refuse to believe this! All those years...

Wow! Really enjoyed reading it up all. And I happened to be eating popcorn!

"and make yourself a cup of team."

Great article. Give us more of these and I'll come to the site to comment, and not just read it from Google Reader.

How come the people at Gearbox say something like that? The game seriously was a disaster, there was nothing in the game except some good one-liners. And Valve really needs to bring HL3 fast, show them how a franchise is handled. Hell, I'd have waited a few more years for a proper game than the mess Duke Nukem Forever

This man deserves a cookie!

You criticized Valve. I officially hate you


me want one

seriously, that big font?

Batman and TF2 - two of my favorite things put together - awesome! The heavy at the end had me laughing uncontrollably. VALVe has really designed the heavy well - it's a testament of great character design.

run for your lives!!!!

Now playing

I used to play games, a lot of them. I still do, but the long 8 hour gaming streaks are nowhere to be found. Being a game developer has it's downsides I guess.

Is there some place where I can read in detail what he said? Even better, a video of the entire presentation?

If Gabe was in front of me right now, I would KISS HIM. This is exactly what I want.

I totally dig the point. I feel that you can get more "into the game" if your character doesn't speak. But there are a few games that do voice acting really well, VALVe's own Team Fortress 2 is a brilliant example - I totally enjoy my soldier taunting when he dominates lowly pyros. Kratos when speaks, speaks heavily,

I bought off the Square Enix collection on Steam (88% off!) , some nice games in there. Playing Batman Arkham Asylum again - had played it previously on a friend's 360, on the PC it looks gorgeous. Next would be Just Cause 2.

Please please please don't post anything about Portal 2, it's really hard to restrain myself from reading these and I want to avoid spoilers as much as possible. That said, anybody has a joke on Gabe?

Oh, I see it now! How did I miss it?

Do I? Trust me, it's really hard to find a girl that's happy with you playing games more than 30 hours a week.