
There’s a pig at the SF airport? Why is there a pig at the SF airport? Look, I get that some people get crazy stressed about flying, but it’s a goddamn airport, not a zoo.

Please no. I like animals, but I am sick of our public spaces becoming fucking zoos. I see more and more pets in grocery stores and it’s getting impossible to fly without a pet masquerading as a support animal sitting near you.

Keep them outside or at home.

No. Animals have no business in an airport in anything other than carriers. If you need a peacock to soothe your nerves enough to get on a flight, you need to spend more time in therapy. 

We need a Craig Ferguson type to interview people on the red carpet.

I have to agree with this. She’s always been very weight focused, and (one) could watch her getting thinner and thinner over the years (pre-illness) while commenting on her own weight obsessively, publicly, and at events where it was irrelevant. Her general demeanor is one of entitlement, which is separate from her

The fact that we all still work 8+ hours per day is ridiculous. Most jobs could be accomplished in less time. 

Also I’m not aware of any long term cancer drugs you take in remission that make you look like a dessicated praying mantis

This was also the criticism for Kamala Harris to plan to have a 10-hour school day, so we all can spend more time away from out families without any “excuses” such as a lack of childcare. WORK CULTURE IS WHAT NEEDS TO CHANGE, kids or no kids people should be allowed to have lives outside their job

Not to mention that Guiliana Rancic was part of the E! crew who regularly tore apart people’s looks and mean-girl snarked all over the place. I think that makes her fair game. But I remember an interview where she covered her daily routine/eating habits and it was seriously disordered eating to the point that it

I understand where you’re coming from (that all body shaming is icky and problematic — ideally there should be none of it) but in this case, it’s obstensibly why Guiliana was able to do so well at E! and in front of the camera. She looks and plays the part. You think she would have gotten this same job if she wasn’t

You’re talking about the woman who pitched the idea for Bridalplasty, a reality show so twisted that even E! passed on it.

I know it’s a sensitive topic - trust me, I’ve had food issues my whole life - but she is disturbing looking, it’s just a fact. And she’s bad at her job. I don’t understand her longevity at E!

Sorry but she looked like the crypt keeper years before getting cancer, she even talked about how her doctor was trying to get her to gain weight so she could get pregnant and I read some piece on her about her daily workout and meal routines and all signs pointed to eating disorder. And like I said, this was long

Maybe that’s true taking the sample size of earth. Here specifically, people are more like “They are so obnoxious. Will they ever shut up?”

Yes i liked Original with Kinner and Aisha 

The Soup was good back in the day. Things are so bizarre\normal now I don’t know that it can keep up. 

I can't deal with Giuliana's skeletal looks. Yes, skinny/Hollywood/tv etc., but she looks unhealthy.

As a former terrible cook who is now passable, I would say that 9/10ths of being a decent home cook is learning how to choose a recipe. I spent a few years learning a new recipe only like once every 3-4 months, and then trying it over and over. And then choosing recipes similar to ones you already know, in order to

I feel like it is. If the writers and readers basically left enmasse, it would be a fitting end and maybe tank any remaining value these sites have.

Living in a city, grocery delivery is infinitely preferable to the hand-to-hand combat and Mad Max parking lots I have to deal with when I go to a store myself. It saves me time, and it’s a lot less stressful.