
CW: Suicide

Agreed. I think we forget that not everyone is at the same starting line. I grew up in the rural southwest and we’re about a generation behind in a lot of areas, including knowledge about finances, college, health and fitness, and diversity issues. My family’s internet is DSL because that’s all that’s available and

Agreed. Our general refusal to staff businesses appropriately so that people can actually take the time off they’ve earned without suffering for it is ridiculous. 

Right? I work in mental health and I have a wonderful and understanding boss. She approached me and expressed concern about burnout and encouraged me to take some time off. Great! But what I really need is 3-4 weeks and what I can afford is 3-4 days. I think that’s true for most Americans, since we get so little time

Same. I’ve all but stopped visiting the site completely. A lot of commenters seem to have gotten greyed out over the last few months (maybe there was a Kinja thing I missed?) and the commentariat is really where the value is here. 

That’s the question. I’m halfway tempted to start paying again because I’d hate for this to be used as a reason to deny forgiveness and the program is such a cluster to start with. 

It was basically a pyramid scheme. The girls would be paid $200-400 to give a massage or they’d be paid the same amount of money to bring another girl with them who’d then give the massage in their place. A lot of victims became recruiters in order to avoid being further victimized. And he went through 3-4 different

When I took my licensing exam (not the bar) we had to leave everything in a locker and weren’t allowed to take anything into the testing room. They took our finger and palm prints every time we left or returned to the room and the proctors has to visually inspect our forearms and the back of our necks each time as

Side note: the virtual backgrounds don’t know what to do with curly hair, so curly folks are probably better off going with your actual background. Definitely makes us less distractingly Medusa-y.

For me it has nothing to do with the staff (I actually enjoy grocery shopping and find it kind of zen) but getting to the store in the first place. It’s really difficult to get into my local store as traffic will often back up on the main road, there often aren’t any available parking spaces or carts, and the store

To add to that, a lot of therapists are drowning in student loan debt. STEM students get paid for the professional internships they do during their training, but most therapists in training don’t get paid. Couple that with low wages for any kind of social service profession and it’s often a struggle to stay afloat.

Midrin’s worked well for me in the past, but it’s been nearly impossible to get my hands on it over the last few years. Hopefully it’ll become accessible again at some point.

Judging you for good taste! She seems like she’d be so much fun to hang out with. I don’t think Tatum could keep up, but I’m sure he’d have fun trying.

“It causes me no harm or offense that people believe in imaginary beings. Why would it, unless I weren’t quite sure of my own beliefs?”

For me, I’m interested because it’s one of the only ways you can get insurance without actively working. Every time I start a new job, I worry about something awful happening in the gap between coverage, because even something small would bankrupt me. The idea that healthcare rests on your employment status is

This. People are fucking dying: in school shootings, as a result of lack of medical and mental health care, etc. Hell, my retirement plan is suicide because despite having a PhD and making a decent living, I’ll never get out from under my student loans and my retirement savings are paltry because of that. I understand

I’m one of those people. I held on to my iPhone 6 as long as I could with battery replacements because I didn’t want to lose the jack. I hate bluetooth earbuds. My ears are hard to fit and wireless buds are super inconvenient. I primarily use my phone for texting and music so the jack is a major issue for me. I

Agreed, but I’m also one of those assholes who thinks people’s pets should stay home. I flew through SEA-TAC during the winter holidays, though, and they had some of the best crowd control I’ve seen. Roving performers who were silly but not over the top made it a lot harder for people to have meltdowns, they didn’t

And now the horse is loose in the hospital and we’re all screwed.

Work culture really is the culprit. I don’t have kids and I fully support paid parental leave, but we also need to get back into the habit of hiring temps when someone’s out or decreasing workload expectations. I don’t want to be the kind of asshole who resents parents and parental leave, but having to regularly do