Oh wow, that’s the first time I’ve seen a fully pay walled podcast.
Oh wow, that’s the first time I’ve seen a fully pay walled podcast.
I love absolutely everything about this!
Right? My last doc was great (trusted my judgement, wasn’t needlessly suspicious) and my current doc is part of a centralized clinic where they’re focused on profit. She wouldn’t prescribe for a UTI without a visit, because office visits bring in the cash. She was pissed when I opted for $15 fish antibiotics, but they…
It’s already happening. I don’t know who this woman is, but her video is such a sad cautionary tale. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ciKm80rmJ1U (Sorry, kinja being kinja on mobile.)
That episode HAUNTED me when I was a kid and was the reason I looked at Lasik, only to be told my vision too far gone for Lasik’s currently abilities. Talk about disappointment.
One of my local libraries mentioned recently that Macmillan is limiting libraries to one copy of new digital releases with a two month embargo on buying additional copies. If other publishers follow their lead, libraries are really going to suffer and it could definitely have a widespread effect on the availability of…
Her plan is only marginally better than no plan at all. I made the mistake at looking at my loan docs yesterday and found that while I’ve paid in over $20K, a whopping $9.50 has gone toward principal. Can I get credit for that $20K I’ve already paid in, Harris?
Also remember that weight affects the effectiveness of the pill. One study (Holt et al.) found that folks who are overweight are 60% more likely to experience a failure, while people who are obese are 70% more likely to experience a failure. In my experience most medical professionals don’t make this super clear. (And…
I didn’t like the Neutrogena Dry Touch either, but I love the Australian Gold Botanical SPF 50 face sunscreen. It’s tinted, somehow makes my face less oily, and doesn’t get in the way of my makeup. There’s no reason not to wear it, like you pointed out, so I wear it daily.
I call BS on any plant communicating well. I’m terrible with plants and I’ve drowned them and dehydrated them, steamed them and frozen them, killed them in pretty much every way I can. I still can’t tell the difference between brown leaves because it’s too dry vs brown leaves because it’s too wet and all the plant…
is Plos One reputable in zoology? It’s not reputable in my field and I believe it’s still pay to publish, so I’d maybe take its research with a grain of salt.
Nothing but respect for that kid.
Songwriters need editors, yo.
And yet there’s an ad post for Everlane on the site, which requires you to hand over your email address before you even look at their products.
That’s basically my retirement plan!
Except these things are related. A lot of folks are paying their student loans with money that would otherwise go toward a mortgage, or health care, or investments, or other things that would directly help ensure a stable retirement.
I worry we’re going to have a lot of folks in the upcoming years whose retirement plan is basically going to be suicide. After the student loan crisis, I think the retirement savings crisis is next on deck.
This. Case in point from high school: none of us studied for our SATs because we didn’t know you could, so our first basic attempt was the score we all ended up with.
On the flip side, I’ve only been able to live in as many different places as I have because of GPS. My spatial skills/sense of direction have never been great and learning to navigate a new location with an atlas would’ve been something I only did once. Thanks to GPS, I don’t hesitate to move when an opportunity comes…
Yes! He talks so fast and he’s so slurry. Slow down and take a breath, my dude. You’ll be on tomorrow night again if there’s something you didn’t get to say today.