“You were probably comfortably accepted at a next tier school or even possibly at one of the same-tier schools that you simultaneously applied to.”
“You were probably comfortably accepted at a next tier school or even possibly at one of the same-tier schools that you simultaneously applied to.”
I’m one of those folks with limited cooking skills and a class like your SIL took would be so helpful! (Unfortunately in my area, all the classes are $100+, bougie, make-something-fancy-with-things-I’ve-never-heard-of classes, not solid basics.)
“It worked as it’s supposed to, but it didn’t work as the popular vote would have.”
As far as I can see, the Maine election worked as it was supposed to. I’d prefer the ranked voting system, but a straight popular vote seems more feasible.
I lived in Seattle for a while and I would’ve traded every upscale coffee “experience” and all of their 87,000 Starbuckses for some Dunkin’. And don’t get me started on the tragedy of this country not being wallpapered in Sonics from coast to coast.
“Getting rid of the Electoral College is no guarantee of a liberal victory, and progressives need to understand that...”
Ranked choice voting would solve so many problems. And as someone who grew up in one of those empty states, I’m all for abolishing the electoral college. State politicians can still address state needs and concerns, but electing a president should be something all citizens have equal say in. Where you reside shouldn’t…
Seattle is kind of an awful place to live. I hope you love Austin!
It’s bonkers that there isn’t an easier way to do this.
Agreed with everything you said, especially the ungraying. It seems so capricious and stunts the conversation.
Could be rust from your pipes or could maybe be sunscreen. Good luck figuring it out!
Could be rust from your pipes or could maybe be sunscreen. Good luck figuring it out!
And this is part of what drives me batty: most of the people arguing for the stupid wall have never visited or lived near the border. It’s not a place of rampant lawlessness, it’s not a Michael Bay movie, and it’s not the goddamn Purge. People have lived there all day every day for the last 106 years and things have…
“I’m wondering : is this ‘she likes me so she loves me’ widespread men syndrome caused by the first universal affect mechanism they are taught, aka the mother ?”
You’re right. Darling and Steele are not white women, they’re black performers who have spoken on their experiences with pay disparities in different contexts. Information about the pay structure in the industry is notoriously hard to come by, particularly for those outside it, and I know that because I used to…
Mark Spiegler, Nikki Darling, and Lexington Steele have all talked about it, and I think there might have been something In Jenna Jameson’s autobiography, but I don’t have a copy anymore. I don’t know how reliable that information is because I don’t work in the industry, but I have seen performers allude to or discuss…
I’m willing to give her (and most white performers) a pass on not working with black performers, as awful as that sounds. Particularly for women, their earning potential takes a hit they’ll never recover from once they start working with black performers, and it’s usually a quick progression to multiple vaginal/anal…
To be fair I haven’t read any of Ronson’s other work, but his book about shame was based on a very, very shaky (at best) understanding of the psychological principles at play. It was clear he did almost no research and I can’t respect an author who can’t be bothered to do the bare minimum. I wouldn’t trust him to…
We also need to consider that most (if not all; my info is a few years out of date) of the HIV transmissions that occur in straight porn come from actors who work outside the U.S. Crossover performers are assumed to work outside the U.S. more frequently than non-crossover performers, though I don’t think there’s any…
Ugh, high-waisted jeans. I’m short all over and my torso is a little extra short, so high-waisted pants end up around my bustline. Give me some extra low-rise jeans so I have a least of fighting chance of hitting my actual waistline. And a hell yes to everyone who’s mentioned the difficulty of pairing shoes with…
That’s bonkers. If you want to me pay, then you should definitely tell me how much things cost. I’m not a waiter, I don’t work in the food industry, and I have no way of estimating these things (e.g., charging for sauce also sounds bonkers to me).