
I had one guy hang around for two goddamn years before I finally blocked him. He seemed like a safe bet (terminal degree, secure job, well traveled) and we went on one date. I said no thanks for future dates and then he popped up every few months asking if I wanted to go to an orgy. Motherfucker, we haven’t talked in

This isn’t as egregious as other people’s experiences, but here goes. I got my first job out of grad school with a company that had a history of not being able to retain staff of color. I tried to negotiate for a higher salary because I knew they wanted a WOC, but I hadn’t completed some of the necessary

Ooh, I’m also a complete oil slick so this is spot on. Thanks for the recommendation!

I can get behind the importance of sunscreen, but I’d love to find a(n affordable!) one that I can wear under makeup. Any recommendations?

Like others, I’ll share streaming and wi-fi passwords but that’s it. The way I see it, I don’t stop being a person with a right to (and preference for) privacy just because I’m part of a couple. Plus, my job involves confidential information and while I’m 98% sure none of that info is floating around on my personal

I have this argument with my mom every season. If you want any to watch good dancing, watch pros! Fuck outta here with this amateur hour shit. Twitch is where it’s at.

A lot of time those criticims are common research phenomena. Most study samples aren’t representative of population demographic and unless they’re specifically designed to be so. And a 37.5% response rate is pretty damn good in social science research. These criticisms don’t hold actually hold water, even though I

The idea is good but the execution is a travesty. If you’re not somewhere on the “holy shit I’m burning my face off!” spectrum, you’re doing it wrong.

Ah, gotcha. You’re one of the pointlessly rageful ones. That explains it.

My mom, who was an experienced pressure cooker user, somehow blew up a lot of beans before my sibling’s first holy communion. There we were in our Sunday best, cleaning beans off the ceiling. I have never and will never use a pressure cooker myself. Beans. On the goddamn ceiling.

So what if she did? Visible body parts does not automatically give people a license to harass her. The logic in these comments is boggling.

Yeah, fuck those whores for assuming men can be decent people! No, dude. No.

That’s...just gross. Are actresses cockteasing you when they’re showing cleavage on the red carpet? Are Victoria’s Secret models cockteasing you when they appear on billboards? Is the grocery checkout clerk cockteasing you while she’s scanning your food? Because my dude, a woman’s body is not about you. It’s really

Awesome. Thanks!

The playing of games (or bodypainting, or whatever else the activity is; I’m not super familiar with Twitch) is the product. But even if your line of thinking were true, why can’t people appreciate silently and respectfully? Why does “appreciation”= gross harassment?

I guess I assumed that they’d at least develop a sense of rhythm by osmosis. Apparently not the case!

I don’t understand how he was in a band for years and yet moves so awkwardly. I actually like some of his music but I have so much secondhand embarrassment watching him perform.

What kind do you have? I’d like to get some for movies and I also have small ears.

This might be one of those regional/airline/plane size variations because the offer I get is almost always to check it through to your final destination. Definitely helps when it takes 2-4 flights to get myself across the country.

It’s helpful when I don’t want to shell out the cash to check a bag, but also don’t want to haul a carryon through several airports due to multiple connecting flights.