
You can get a prescription for some non-prescription things. Your doc writes you a prescription for emergency contraception? Voila! It’s covered!

Thanks! No one in my circle gets their hair colored, so that's probably the part I missed. Good info to have.

I’ve never seen or spoken to anyone who’s tipped a shampoo person. Is this a generally accepted practice and if so, why? I assume that the cost of a shampoo is factored into the cost of the cut, and it seems strange someone who didn’t do the bulk of the skilled work.

They probably make me look shorter than I already am (I’m 5’2” on a good day with big hair), but they make me feel tall so I don’t really care how they look. I just want to revel in the fantasy that maybe today I can reach things on the top shelf all by myself.

No worries. I had the same concerns you do when I initially started getting nail services, and it didn’t become a regular occurrence until I found a reputable salon. As a woman of color, I didn’t feel comfortable having other WOC service me in that way. My current salon is staffed exclusively by White women (I don’t

No, I don’t think massages are the same because a) I can’t give myself one; b) they are about how I feel, not how I look; c) there is a different exchange between the client and provider- more intimate and respectful; d) they are perceived and therefore received with the gratitude of a luxury service more than a

I don’t think there any way your proposed argument works; religious faith is fundamentally about the inability to prove a god’s existence. Also, most arguments I’ve seen against abortion are not about the peceived selfishness of valuing the woman’s life over the child’s. They’re more about a god decreeing that all

I think the problem, as you pointed out, is that this a very religion-driven argument. Many anti-choice folks have a spiritual belief system that values souls/equivalent term and/or the sanctity of all life, even in the case of a fetus where its life is dependent on that of the mother’s. People who aren’t religious

I think there are certain pockets where changing the norms around relationship violence via PSA and related interventions could be helpful. Some of my friends and I grew up in very different places/cultures where a certain level of relationship violence was tolerated or even encouraged. Letting users know that no

I’m aware it happens, but what I’m wondering is if avoidance of the police in DV situations is going to increase now (though I don’t think there’s really a way to get good numbers on that). I’m also hoping folks might start writing more widely about this issue so we can shed some more light on it.

A bit tangential, but one of the things I’ve been concerned about is the effect of officer violence on domestic abuse victims. I had to call the cops a couple times when I was a kid and I didn’t have any hesitations then, but I certainly have them now. I don’t want to think about what the math would’ve looked like if

That’s such a lovely and succinct way of putting it.

Thanks do much for the info! This sounds like something I could get behind.

Ooh, tell me more? I didn’t know this was a thing.

My previous fantasy dress was this Wild West whorehouse number, but this just usurped it. Gorgeous!

I have never figured out the point of Snapchat. Why are people Snapchatting people they could just text, if they’re not sending risque pictures? Why Snapchat your mom when you can text her? Youth, they baffle me.

I think she does small tours. I saw her at a large state fair about three years ago. The place was packed and she can still sing amazingly well live.

Have you tried getting gel manis? My nails were pretty weak and prone to breaking, but the gel manis make them much stronger. Plus, there's less damage than a full set of acrylics. I don't know if it's just me, but the gel polish has worked wonders.

I've gone the cheap route before with good success: found a large art poster I liked, cut it to size for several smaller frames, and voila! Instant coordinating art. Floating shelves are also really easy to install, and it gives you a lot of ways to change things up.

It makes sense that the transmission of the tradition would help with bonding. I still don't quite get the outrageousness factor, but none of the sports I played were traditionally team-based so that's probably part of it. Thanks for the explanation.