Chancellor Puddinghead

I don’t see what she said is necessarily wrong. Of course twitter went straight to “she hates transgenders!?!” in their interpretation but if take the statement at face value then yes she is correct. Doctors and self subscribers tend to throw chemicals at problems that doesn’t necessarily require a chemical solution.

It’s very brave of him to bite the hand three years after the movie flops, after he publicly kissed the hand at Comic Con panels and junkets.

Look, we have the tweet, so it’s fair game to make up a few details, post that story, hope it gets picked by another Twitter account who retweets that as fact and so forth and so on until someone is finally forced to address the initial tweet. This is how the news works now. 

It’s nice to see the AV Club finally

God damn. Still, 98, that’s a pretty good run.

Until HIMYM came along I had never irrationally hated a character as much as I did that fuck.

Microsoft has a long, long history of embrace, extend, extinguish.

Meh, I just drove to the pizza place and picked up a pizza even though they deliver. It’s not hard. Besides if pizza places can afford to have their own delivery people and be profitable, any business with enough takeout should also be able to do it, and cut out 3rd parties completely.

That’s exactly what I was thinking. I didn’t see twitch do anything when their biggest streamer was using his fame to fuck a young fan while his wife was taking care of their little kid. He even used their platform to apologize about it in the most pathetic way possible.

Dixie Antebellum.

I was hoping for Yankee Chicks but hope died in 2020 so.

I’d gone with The Mason Chicks. 

+1 city built on rock n roll

Underrated comment.

Well, the show did have Rhea Seehorn who went on to Better Call Saul and Veep.

Hey if I could count the number of times I passed out in Nashville and woke up in Memphis

What’s sad to me isn’t that AV club has gone this way in isolation. It seems to be that thoughtful, reasoned commentary on pop-culture is going away. I won’t read the conservative rags, but all the progressive ones I used to like (this place, slashfilm, pop culture happy hour) have become predominantly built around

I’ve been reading the AV Club since before I was born!

This assessment is way-off. The sketch is satirising the way blackface is used by white actors, and is very much ANTI-blackface. He’s not portraying a black character, he’s portraying a white character stupidly using blackface. The sketch even features Keegan-Michael Key, reacting appropriately. This was the best

There’s a difference between racism and making fun of racism.