I would also like the “I can’t hear the dialogue mode”. Instead of turning my TV up to 60% and having my neighbors blasted by music and explosions.
I would also like the “I can’t hear the dialogue mode”. Instead of turning my TV up to 60% and having my neighbors blasted by music and explosions.
Next up: Film Critic Mode, which will add captions below every scene explaining why your taste in movies sucks.
Disclaimer:getting cast on SNL not actual guarantee of talent.
He just raised a ton of money for the families who lost people in the Dayton shooting. Regardless if you like his comedy or not, to say he's a terrible person is.definitely the most recognitions thing you could come up with.
he does get asked that at one point and say he thinks Trump has a better chance of re-election than we all think, mostly cause of how the left gets worked up about the wrong things a lot. i tended to agree with his assessment.
He was defending Michael Jackson and R Kelly back on Chappelle’s Show and nobody took it seriously then, and they shouldn’t take it seriously now. It’s a joke. Dave Chappelle doesn’t really think kids should be happy to be molested and if you honestly think he does then I don’t even know what to say. I’m not saying…
Pepper Ridge Harm was a real standout on last season’s Drag Race.
I don’t, but let me check with Pepperidge Farm.
Hey, remember when Republicans used to falsely accuse Obama of being “The Chosen One,” being too much of a celebrity, a rockstar, etc?
A terribly uncomfortable rant that managed to actually turn aroundan awful, hostile crowd full of hecklers? This rant is like a masterwork of working a room and shitting on people just enough that they end up loving you. It’s awesome.
I can’t let that slide with a back-handed ‘without talent’. Rodman was one of the best defensive basketball players of all time, and he only started going downhill in public perception when he told the truth about Larry Byrd being over-rated because he was white. Comparing Rodman - even in his palling around with Kim…
I don’t know, the ”10 minutes to go!” countdown was pretty funny.
Orlando is garbage and in the middle of nowhere
He’s the Dennis Rodman of comedy except without any of the actual talent.
Bill Burr was at the tail end of a comedy show where the crowd was booing everyone. Comedian after comedian was getting booed off the stage except for Burr, who tore into the crowd for twelve full minutes.
Personally, as a person that is currently old, i don’t think Pete Davidson is an idiot because college kids don’t know when to turn off their phones. I think Pete Davidson is an idiot because he acts like an idiot, all the time.
I think I would have titled this “Asshole has point about cellphones, is still an asshole”
I’m going to focus on one part of the story: the current mindset that it’s not rude at all to just whip out a smartphone whenever you feel like it.