These are the same people who got us all to agree on 16x9 as the standard and then turned all their phones vertical while taking videos.
I just watched it recently, and yeah I can’t think of any other episode of the show that hit as consistently as that one did.
I Had the same response, figured I’d scroll down before responding.
I thought of the same thing when I read this article... but, it sounds like the “egg loaf” was not actually a thing at McDonalds, and apparently they worked very hard to dispel that rumor.
Is this what happens when you put several Care Bears through the transporter from The Fly II?
When I play something like Skyrim, I always feel compelled to play... I dunno... altruistically? is tradition.
I use the rules you use when you walk up to a bar, wait patiently, make eye contact and give a head nod in confirmation, and then wait for them to get to you.
I hate to say that it’s a situation where they need to “get a life,” but I think it’s a situation where they need to get a life.
Not just call CPS, continually harass them until they show up.
It seems clear enough to me that the Cole character is the audience—he has to learn about the world and its implications for his family as the movie goes on.
I’ve never seen a man eat so many chicken wings.
I feel like Steak n’ Shake is probably a more comparable Midwest burger joint...
So, when do we tell them that all white people aren’t “Anglo-Saxon” or of British origin???
Jim Caviezel is probably still best known as Jesus from The Passion Of The Christ.
Part of the problem for restaurant (and retail, and any other low-end job in this economy) workers is that a lot of the folks who work those jobs do so because they’re trapped in a loop where they don’t have the time (or the risk tolerance) to make a play for a better job when, y’know, they have to go to work and…
Vegas us just sad. It’s an entire town of people upset that they aren’t having the adventure they were sold mingling with gambling addicts.
I haven’t so much had the problem now that their in high school. My issues were more around pre-algebra or algebra 1. Like I said, it’s not that what they were being taught was wrong, it was more that when they would come to me for help, I’d write a fairly straightforward formula but it would frustrate the hell out of…