This is just a personal thing, but I think we need to all scale back on the Orwell stuff.
This small group of 150 likely far left folks demonstrated and vandalized some. You can bet that the right wing noise machine is already saying this is equivalent to terrorists storming the nation’s capitol building, carrying zip-cuffs and (all on video) looking to hurt and kill people (and did leave 5 dead).
They’re out there. My kids got obsessed with Life with Louie when they found it on YouTube.
The biggest problem with student debt forgiveness, in my opinion, is it does absolutely nothing to address the cost of higher education and what caused this in the first place.
It totally depends on what it is. Quantum Leap was great because I’d seen them, same with X-Files. I cannot listen to radio dramas or audio books as they just demand too much attention.
Years ago I worked auditing and posting financial adjustments for an employer. Having Quantum Leap up on my second monitor (in the office) seriously improved my productivity.
...the the chances of Republicans winning anything else wever again will be a big pipe dream.
I had an old Star Wars soundtrack boxed set that used the word “segue” constantly in the liner notes, and yes, I constantly read it as “seeg.”
Fox News and its offspring are easy to dismiss. We know they’re crazy. The bigger issue is that the rest of the media is all filtered through the white, corporate, Washington bubble.
I think it’s more a case of us only having had access to Portillo’s for a while, and they don’t seem to have it for anything.
You’re missing red sauce as an additional option.
I consider Heaven Sent the best thing Steven Moffat’s ever written, ending and all.
“Heaven Sent” and “Hell Bent” drive me nuts.
The back half of that series resembles a paper written by someone who hasn’t slept in a week....
That was kind of the point. None of it was necessary.
Mitch knows if those seats flip, Biden and the Dems can ramrod a even larger bill though with larger checks and more support for those suffering, while likely giving the finger to the rich.
The Sue Dibny story still sickens me and is one of the reasons I don’t buy DC Comics.
I’m trying to think of someone with a more generally baleful influence on the state of modern cape comics than Geoff Johns
Meanwhile, the Democrats actually care about getting help to people - but sure, let’s blame them for the Republicans holding critical aid hostage.