
Fun-Imagination science is way cooler than real science

Couldn’t agree more.

I’m not suggesting he’s trying to lose.

Make no mistake, as much of an insane long shot as it would be for Trump to successfully steal this election, he is taking the steps that would allow him to do so.

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I was honestly a little worried about telling my then-girlfriend’s little sister what happens to Kurt Cobain.

He’s a Dr, who should know better...

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Over the last three days trump has transformed from Super Mario Brothers Dennis Hopper to Land of the Dead Dennis Hopper.

There were people putting lights up by me this week. My kids keep bugging me about putting the tree up.

“Unlike the majority of women, who might demand concrete things to vastly improve their lives, the soccer mom is already comfortable.”

In light of this site’s theme:

In all seriousness, though, it’s driving me nuts that the best we can do is pearl clutch and act shocked over and over again. Everyone should have seen this coming a mile away.

Best possible reply.

He’s actually not being a hypocrite.

I love the taco seasoning packets, but only because they are the laziest and fastest way to season poached chicken and results in an awesome (albeit very concentrated) broth.

I suspect he will be in a for a rude awakening.

Sherlock doesn’t bother me because you can basically watch any episode as if it exists in a vacuum. Most shows peak around the third or fourth season and then have a drop off. But with something like Star Trek, that drop off isn’t as noticeable because each week you get to roll the dice again on whether or not the

That’s what kills me about this line in the article:

The scummy majority of them became more obvious as they got to the age where people start actually voting...


Return of the Killer Tomatoes is actually good, though.