
Yes, actually

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The boys on the Story Break podcast put together a pretty good Duke Nukem movie pitch when the Cena news first broke:

This video suggests an alternate version of Face/Off where the trick was pulled off largely by the two of them swapping haircuts

That being said when “the reigning champ of one of the most-visited websites on the internet considers it brand-appropriate to throw a bunch of Nazi stuff into his content” is Obvious Factual Piece Of Evidence #1 for your lazy hot takes it’s still not too hard to figure out what the problem is

How is the subscriber battle even a good thing

If “the job all my predecessors were tasked with and (mostly) pulled off is unrealistic” is just Chibnall’s cover for leaving the show and letting someone else do actual good Doctor Who stories with this cast, then I might actually be alright with his saying it, because that’s an outcome I didn’t dare get my hopes up

Sarah Silverman would probably just invite another parade of receipt-pulling, though

Hopefully with that title it’ll be sufficiently Beckettian

Jordan Peele’s Night Of 1000 Names That Make Recognition Neurons Vaguely Fire In The General Public

Admittedly it’s in the very first sentence of the article as a kind-of-pointless modifier - but! Progress!

The word “fork” isn’t anywhere in this headline! Progress!

Based on what I know of this book chances are pretty good we’re getting both.

the Grintaissance is on its way

Can’t wait for the penultimate episode where Sega runs their print-ad masturbation joke and the one clear-headed exec realizes everything is falling apart like the end of Goodfellas

So we’re just reporting on Film Theory doing “the main character is in a coma”-tier analysis now

True Stories actually was the first film I thought of, which might be a problem.

Well, it’s nice to know he has something else lined up.

At least one party for my answer to 2. would have to be Thomas Ligotti, if only because his preferences in both dinner and conversation would probably mess pretty hard with whatever other notable figures I picked.

1. Pie, since even though I generally prefer cake there’s a wider variety of enjoyable desserts that fall under the “pie” banner. You’d take longer to run out of options that weren’t poisoned from repetition.

I mean, I dig the movie version’s Stevie Wonder soundtrack quite a bit, but this is the same scientific text that ends up contemplating whether all plants are in communication with lifeforms from a distant star system.