My dad’s been reacting to those Verizon commercials he did as if he’s some sort of traitor who ratted on the Stranger Things fanbase to the government.
My dad’s been reacting to those Verizon commercials he did as if he’s some sort of traitor who ratted on the Stranger Things fanbase to the government.
Incidentally, this is where those two passions collided for him:
Ian Levine is an obnoxious person, but in that sort of tragic, compelling way where he seems like he’d be a good subject for a biopic.
Great news, but c’mon, even less effort went into that headline “fork” than usual.
The word on Dern’s character was that she’d be an unsympathetic resistance leader who clashed with Leia since well before Carrie Fisher’s death. Calling her any sort of a “replacement” seems disingenuous, regardless of how Disney’s plans might have changed since.
Q: Why the fuck would you, though, the man did horrible things.
Though it seems like Max Landis has quietly disowned the production, so, um, make of that what you will depending on your opinion of the guy.
“Is this the right time for me to say that I thought [primary accomplishment of under-fire public figure] was bad even before all this”
Had a really good time with this tonight. Chance certainly doesn’t need my approval on top of everyone else’s, but I’d welcome him back whenever.
I feel like you can’t really make a good Dune adaptation in the runtime expected of a film. If Lynch had somehow gotten to make whatever a Game Of Thrones-type prestige blockbuster series would have looked like in 1984, and all his creative decisions and approach to adapting the source material remained intact, just…
It annoys me that since this was accomplished by a group the internet likes to clown on (Homestuck fans), the going take has been “dril got doxxed by an angry fandom” instead of just, you know, “some fairly obvious dots were connected by people who happened to be in the right place to notice them”.
We got ‘em, everyone! The three pieces of Day Of The Dead popular culture that Americans know! Pack it up, we can finally see our families again!
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Can we get Freddie Highmore off The Good Doctor and cast him as a Thermian in this, because his acting on that show makes way more sense as “Galaxy Quest alien accidentally ends up with a hospital job” than it does as anything resembling a depiction of autism.
I was going to plead innocence... but now that I think about it, the half of Mario that doesn’t seem human does, in a way, seem like the concentrated essence of “Italian”.
I imagine this will be a huge generational dividing line between 80s nerds who grew up with the “gruff Brooklyn plumber” interpretation and everyone younger who’s more familiar with the “quirky sorta-Italian, sorta-human creature” version.
I remember typing an enthusiastic letter to the lead girl from So Weird on the show’s empty-cupboard Web 2.0 Disney site, which was probably not the intended use of the guestbook.
The tv-movie finale is probably as close as this show can get to having a singular, focused premise - which was, itself, not particularly focused, if I recall? Anyway I wouldn’t mind seeing a blockbuster-scale remake of that, but I don’t know how you capture the vibe of a bunch of kids telling anthology-series horror…
I enjoyed that literally all Offset said was “Offset!”.
Holy shit, that last line.