
It's a Lincoln in Entourage. ;)

That's what passes for comedy these days? Woozle Wuzzle?

And how!

I don't think Clarke would have done the same thing as Lexa though. I don't believe her actions killing all the Mountain Men is the same as the Grounders betraying the Ark people.

The whole plan by Lexa the 'great commander' seems incredibly short sighted as many here have already pointed out. All the technology and know-how for the assault on Mt. Weather came from the Sky People. The Grounders were just there as numbers really and will never have another opportunity to get the Mountain Men

Maybe Lexa was playing Clarke. Kiss her, make her feel like they were more connected then they actually were before she betrayed her. We know that Lexa can be cold and is always giving Clarke a hard time about being 'soft'.

I hope you also learn that Fop is the superior hair pomade. ;)

Goodness gracious, you are correct, I feel silly.

I read on Bob Loblaw's Law Blog about how Bob Loblaw dropped a Law Bomb.

People have definitely done that at my work. President sends out a message to everyone and someone 'replies all' to the entire company that clearly wasn't for everyone.

Yeah I thought it was a true confession as well. Doesn't seem likely that he would sacrifice himself to save Marco even if he said he read his diary and knew what kind of man Marco was. I could have completely missed the point though, that is entirely possible.

I wasn't the biggest fan of Finn at all, but I still definitely felt for him at the end. It was a very sad way to go, but better than torture I guess. At the end he was just a scared kid, and despite everything they've all gone through, they are still kids in many ways. It was very heartbreaking to hear him say he was

I agree that Finn needs a comeuppance or some sort of retribution levied at him, but maybe the characters are making excuses for him to make themselves feel better. Someone that they trust, and held in very high esteem as the 'peacemaker' went off the deep end and did something totally horrible. For this reason maybe

Yeah exactly. Phil is a successful real estate agent. I'm sure he has been involved in many many more negotiations than Jay has. Every one of Phil's deals over the years has involved negotiations, I'm sure much more than building a closet would. Jay's company would have very set prices for closets and materials and

Agreed. They're quickly running out of guards. Plus they really were more a police detail than a military unit, and likely didn't get a whole lot of practice firing guns in space.

I thought the same thing. Raven should have just facepalmed and said, "Abby, I don't know how to make it any clearer than that."

Me too friend, me too.

My favorite part of the episode was when Clarke saw Bellamy and ran over and gave him a giant hug. The reaction by him was great. Kind of shocked and then returned the hug. I thought it was a really nice genuine moment between two people that have really come to care about and respect each other. The Bellamy and

Maybe they would have actually cheered him up if they had been chocolate chip instead of blue berry.

I don't think anyone paid attention in their Earth Skills - Knot Tying Class. The seatbelt - wire rope came apart too pretty quick, although I'm less surprised about that one.