
Yeah the balloon is what's giving you away. Not all the noise, gun fire, electric fence, scouting missions oh and the GIANT SPACESHIP THAT FELL FROM SPACE! The sky people blend in so well to their surroundings they might as well have Waldo be their new mascot.

I agree about the dummies not grabbing the rope or making sure it was tied better. Like that kid Charlie (I guess) tied it all off pretty quick and no one thought to double check? Plus he was at her when he fell, you'd think they would have at least been hanging on getting ready to pull his ass back up.

No, not surprised at all. The last thing that lady guard said was, "To the walls! Shoot on sight!" So things were going to go poorly for someone (I figured Clarke).

I would say that likely the reason the Jasper and Octavia was abandoned so quickly was that Jasper was supposed to die after being impaled, but was popular with fans so they made him live. I'd imagine the writers/showrunners had already decided that Octavia was going to meet and fall in love with a grounder.

Upvote for Johnny Rico treatment.

Yeah I agree. I think Daryl and Noah are together.

I thought about that too when reading the review. Why aren't there any kids with the ark crew that crashed? I also find it crazy that were 100 kids in prison before being sent down to earth. What's that incarceration rate like??

I thought the baby was a figment of his imagination, and really hoped it was, when he closed the air lock. He fell really hard on his front and would have had squished baby all over him if it was real!

How funny is it when Maggie says to Bob, "you're family we'll always remember you." When she hasn't mentioned her ACTUAL sister that is missing. She has no problem scouring the entire world for Glenn, and then just peacing out to DC when her sister is still out there somewhere. I don't even think she's mentioned Beth

Rick said "I haven't asked you how you made out on the trip to Terminus" Tyreese said, 'It killed me". Rick looks at him and says "No, it didn't"