It’s ALWAYS the overweight, unattractive men going on and on about what level of attractiveness is appropriate for women.
It’s ALWAYS the overweight, unattractive men going on and on about what level of attractiveness is appropriate for women.
I can’t believe all these folks #ONHERE claiming to know the lyrics to Baby Got Back and don’t even know the story behind the damn song. This is the is the OG “Becky” song. It’s about how white racism dismissed black beauty. All anyone seems to know the big but part and forgot the whole beginning where he basically…
I have a feeling Sir Mix A Lot was not thinking of a Blake Lively type when he crafted “Baby Got Back.”
I don’t mind him staying in...he has a message, he wants to get it out, he thinks this is the best way to do it. That being said, he needs to stop acting like everything is rigged against him because he’s not winning.
What a bunch of thugs. When will the white community address the culture of violence prevalent in their community?
Bitter much?
It is possible that their blackness does not define their work. Perhaps they do not owe you a meditation on your own relationship with race just because they are black. Would the movie be funnier if it dealt with your own perceptions of race and blackness?
Counterpoint: Yes it was
The joke is that Key and Peele made a movie that borrows of the premise of the movie John Wick starring Keanu Reeves where Keanu goes on a killing spree after his puppy is murdered is in itself ridiculous, and then made a spoof that substitutes a kitten for the puppy and name it Keanu.
Yeah, how is this even a tough question. PLUS, anyone with a passing familiarity with K&P know that much of their humor is based on their being multi racial and all the stuff that comes with that. This is a shitty fucking “article” that blatantly rips off the review of Guy Fieri’s Times Square resturant from a few…
The joke is supposed to be at the expense of action movies where the heroes are on a quest to save the damsel in distress. This movie is making fun of that by putting a cat in the damsel role and turning the hyper-masculine heroes into cat daddies.
You cant test positive for chronic lyme.
You can tell that jinni is not a medical doctor, because medical doctors call the people that they treat ‘patients,’ not ‘clients.’
I think if left untreated it can eventually cause neurological issues that cause weird behaviour. But I also think that’s pretty uncommon, but a pretty good retroactive excuse for anyone who was ever on reality TV show when they were younger: “Ummm.... I wasn’t a ridiculous asshole - it was Lyme disease.”
Would I be right in guessing you’re not a medical doctor? Because I’m pretty sure medical doctors like to use the correct terms for things. If you had lyme disease and you have been treated, so no longer have the bacteria, but still have symptoms - you have post-infectious lyme disease. Post infectious lyme disease.…
After effects of diagnosed (but diagnosed too late) lyme disease I’d not the same as ‘chronic lyme’ one is a real problem with a known root. One is a disease people have randomly decided they have because they read the description of post-infectious lyme disease and decided they have it. Despite not having lyme…
I felt bad for people who thought they had chronic Lyme disease until I commented on a People magazine article about Yolanda Hadid that comparing Lyme disease to the AIDS epidemic of the early 80s was offensive.
She was on TV earlier today when I was in the lunch room. I really, really, REALLY wish we would stop giving non-doctors/non-scientists a platform to talk about medical issues. The “chronic Lyme” people are often as misguided as anti-vaxxers (and are frequently the same people).