Champagne Jazz

Thanks. And yeah, I know. I’m sure it’ll get better. Things also happened to end in a pretty shitty way, so that certainly doesn’t make things easy. Even still, the girls I’ve been with since have been awesome people, but I feel like I can’t stop comparing them to my ex/thinking about how I don’t think I could be in a

My girlfriend of just about 13 years and I just finally split up for good two weeks ago. She and I also started dating as teens (both of us were 16) and aside from a 3-4 month break, we had a pretty good relationship. Anyways, to (kind of) answer your question, post-long term relationship life hasn’t really been that

Also, it didn’t happen in August, but about two years ago my mom was diagnosed with colon and rectal cancer. I moved in to help her while she went through chemo, etc.. After two months of suffering, pain, and multiple surgerys, she is (thank god) in remission. Approximately a month ago, my mom said she needed to tell

I’m a longtime lurker, but for the first time I felt the need to post in one of these SNS threads. August has been one of the worst months of my life as well. Earlier in the month, my girlfriend of 12+ years told me that she was moving to Chicago on the 31st because she needed to “change her environment. We’ve been on