
Sometimes troops are not told when they’re leaving. To prevent enemies from being prepared for them. The same thing happened to a friend of mine. He was ordered on a plane early morning, next thing he knew he was in Iraq.

Her comments are tone deaf, insensitive, and misguided.

Real talk: this is native advertising, right? Because like the Kardashians, I basically never hear about Glossier anymore other than here, and you guys seem to cover them A LOT considering you don’t cover...basically any other makeup brands.

This past spring, Michael Ferro resigned as chairman of publicly traded media-looting hell-company Tronc, Inc., just

Also, if you get cornered into a lecture you just don’t want to engage in, like your Drunk Uncle telling you the latest Alex Jones conspiracy theory, I have found that you can escape with the line, “You’ve given me a lot to think about.” They will assume they have sold you and often will drop it for long into the

I think it’s not just the amount, but the motivation. If drinking is a coping mechanism, then it can become a problem because alcohol is very bad as a longterm stress reliever—it usually makes anxiety worse, which leads to more drinking, etc. Also, stress will always be there, so if you lock in a certain risky

The premade shit is so bad. It doesn’t even resemble the recipe.

Agreed. A hostess in the 30s would’ve served Clams Casino to her guests at a fancy dinner. You’d have a hard time finding dino chicken nuggets at a swanky 90s cocktail party.

I find everything in this video tasty, with pâté and pizza bagels being the most questionable. But I object to the description of dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets as “party snacks.” That was children’s food. There is no analogue between clams casino and dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets.

Here’s my take on this: It’s incredibly difficult, take YEARS, and provided the child is still alive, you can claim some level of success. How many people have succeeded at anything they’ve worked on for multiple years? That’s why people say its worth it. It’s often their only accomplishment.

I’m starring you for doing all this for yourself! Excellent!

It’s just me this year, so I’m doing a pretty scaled-back meal. Roasting a turkey breast, using canned yams and canned cranberry sauce and stuffing mix and store-bought pumpkin pie instead of making it all myself.

HEY PEOPLE! IMPORTANT REMINDER FOR ELECTION DAY!!! (Although IDK if many will see this being in the great gray beyond...)

I’m going to guess she’s at least a little racist. Probably of the nice, older white lady racist variety, but still. My mom’s that too. It’s embarrassing. Both of my NY friends are women of color, and I was constantly on guard for her to say something dumb. Fortunately, the worst thing she did was claim she could

I lost my husband to melanoma 4.5 years ago. He had just turned 50, and I was 10 years younger. I am better now, and even got extremely lucky in finding a rather amazing, patient love again 8 months ago, but I am still a mess in spots.

Just popping in to say “hi” to a fellow Grand Rapidian! I moved here three years ago after growing up and living in Chicago ... and I love it, actually. But, yes, the influence that three main families have is staggering. And I have never been anywhere EVER that automatically splits checks - my East Coast bred WASP

Because it takes hella long to cook lentils and the dollar menu is instantaneous. Because the dollar menu can be eaten in the car on the way to second and third job and lentils are messy.

I dunno, why do they buy shit on the dollar menu when they could cook lentils at home in bulk?

Your point about stock is a good one...if they pull that move where they only order two garments in a 3x but 20 of the same garment in a Small, it will be kind of an empty gesture. But executed well, this would feel kind of amazing, as a plus size shopper.