
Benetint and chapped lips, I rocked that look in middle school.

An even more important question for the group: Is the guy in that photo wearing benetint on his lips? He totally is, right?

Opinion soup - haha oh so apt for Paris!!!!

Shirl’s been a dom for 25 years. Good to know

I accidentally hit the Reply button to this comment, and this is what I saw. And obeyed.

Isn’t that what Oleanna’s about?

Feminism has found its Tea Party

No. Can’t tolerate different viewpoints and it’s not just the consent stuff, they also want trigger warnings and to police professors and what they can and can’t teach, lest these delicate flowers be exposed to any form of thinking that doesn’t mesh 100% with their ideology. They’re like the feminist taliban.

wtf at all the comments acting like you don't get a whole week! Errr, before your PARENT remarries, without inviting you, the day after the hangover day of your wedding, with all the rest of your family there? Yes, you should get that time. Do these people think if you announced your wedding and then, like, your

So someone is supposed to have the spotlight from the moment she gets engaged until the moment she gets married? That seems a bit much to me. I am guilty of doing this, didn’t realize it is was rude. My younger sister got engaged, planned her wedding for 18 months out. Meanwhile, I was in my mid-30s, wanted to have

Is she Italian? That sounds very Italian...

What’s wrong with a small, simple wedding? My parents (who will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary in August) got married in a judge’s chambers with only a few people present. Afterwards they had a small party at their apartment (they were already living together; yes, people did that in the 1950’s). There’s one

Some people don’t want a big wedding and to do the whole thing. Sometimes being married is enough!

One final image from Laura June:

Holy shit, the comments on this article.

Read Simone de Beauvoir.

Really? A.) Your tone in the original post was clearly dismissive of this issue, and vilifying the awful colonialist feminists daring to speak out against it. and B.) Yes, we can criticize traditions that are built around nothing more than "othering" women and perpetuating the view that women are dirty. Traditions

I feel perfectly okay criticizing female genital mutilation, regardless of which culture happens to practice it.

There are health risks to this whole practice: improper sanitation, not being able to fully clean menstrual cloths in order to avoid later infections, oh, AND BEING FORCED TO CLUMP UP IN TINY SHACKS WITHOUT ELECTRICITY AND RUN THE RISK OF RAPE AND SNAKE BITE. But you go on, defending "traditions" that are just more

I would love to see more articles like this on Jezebel. Thank you.