
Well, I pretty much love you for using a Red Dwarf gif. :D

Oh dear. (I'm British)

@mllej: The only one I ever slept with actually said "naughty" in bed. I was totally unprepared and ROFLed!


Hey, btw, is it Slut Machine who had the story on her blog about a threesome with two British guys who couldn't get it up because they were too embarrassed? Hilarity.

Ah, THIS is my arena. I will tell you from a wealth of personal experience that British men are just like American men, in general. They have a harder time keeping it up, but make up for it by drunkenly whispering sexy things (call me "Hen" in a Glaswegian accent and I will cream myself, even though I know better).

What is it with all the British men and their kinky requests waaaaaaaaaaaaay too soon? Just me?