I think it’s neat for both consumers and developers. It can give them new possibilities and it can only improve things.
I think it’s neat for both consumers and developers. It can give them new possibilities and it can only improve things.
Right now developers have to work pretty hard to have their games load stuff ahead and allocate resources properly. This could make it much easier for developers and they could focus on other stuff. There are games like God of War that can be played from start to finish without a single loading screen but there are…
And this only weeks after he bit Stallone while asking for a Bugatti.
Portables always sell well in Japan. Even during the very worst of the PSP days it was still selling a ton over there. If it’s portable, has Dragon Quest and/or Monster Hunter then you can be sure Japan will go crazy for it.
GUYS! Darth Vader is Luke’s father!
If people talk this much about how they handled Barret I wonder what will happen once we know what happens with crossdressing Cloud.
A male Samus? in what crazy world do we live?! What next? Female Thor? Black Spiderman?! Ghostbusters with women??!!
I’m not surprised she changed outfit after that first one. I don’t know long those gala last but I doubt even Gaga wants to wear a diaper.
Where is Force Unleashed?
Actually it’s very liberating. I got the first Tomb Raider reboot for free on PS+ a while ago. I quite enjoyed it and though I got myself into a new series. Then the sequel was exclusive to Xbox One for a year. When it finally came out on PS4 a year later it was full priced so I told myself ill wait some more. By the…
You assume that my attention span is that long and that I will be willing to pay 90$ for a game that came out 6 months ago? The hype of the launch could make me spend that. The 6 months wait and then more waiting for a price drop and ultimately stopping caring means I MIGHT get the game someday... in 3-4 years...…
That game is going straight to my Steam Wishlist and will sit there for probably 3 years because of the Epic store exclusivity and then my interest slowly going away. Can’t wait for the 2022 Steam Summer sale so I can get it at 50% off!
Could this masterpiece finally be THE movie that earns Jim Carrey an Oscar?!?!?!!! I would strongly suggest Frozen 2 and Wonder Woman to either push back their theater dates or just come out straight to DVD because clearly they don’t stand a chance against Sonic. My head hurts now. I think that was too much sarcasm.
Being white has nothing to do with the stupid thing she did. She knew it would spread around and get people heated up. Don’t be a bigot and know that being a moron is completely genderless and colorless now.
What I mean is that if it’s going to permanently count as a double loss in your stats then the game should be able to do the difference. Since that pretty much impossible I say don’t make it a permanent thing. Have a quitality stat of it’s own but also don’t make it permanent. That way accidental disconnection wont…
As long as the game can make the difference between a rage quit and an accidental disconnection. Maybe count it as an actual quitality stat and erase them if someone doesn’t quit for a certain amount of time. Someone who can’t spent a week without quitting will stack up but someone who does it once wont have it in…
That headlines takes me back 10 years and reminded me of the Vitality sensor for Wii.
Woah. Logic is not well seen around here. Can’t you just let people be offended in peace?
The game’s ending is DLC.