
That was true with slow internet speeds, little updates to internet content and slow hard disks. Now we have fast internet speeds, fast updates to internet content and ultra fast SSDs. Cache is mostly useless today, unless while putting downloading files together.


This is what drives Steve Jobs:


...says the allmighty pitbull from the sewers.

So we should suppose that you're the right guy to own a star? Because you're the one contributing to the post. But I wonder where exactly you're doing that?

Proletariat intellect? LOL What do you know about me, Mr. Slave? I'm a perfect vagabond, I do nothing. I don't work. Do you know why? Because I'm rich. You're the proletariat. Slave of your own need to be a chief of something, to be important. Not me. I make movies because I don't have anything else better to do. That

I won't shut up. If it drives you mad, stick a finger in your ass and blow your hand until you explode.

When will this Apple-chewing ever end, Gizmodo?

Flash is a buggy piece of software on any platform. Much like most of Adobe's software.

I can do that too... even easier:

This is a shameless trick. He is using the Stamp tool with another image (the same one he's reproducing). He is a good copier.

Did it ever occur to the scientists that people who have sex with animals are more prone to have unprotected sex with more people? Thus putting themselves in a much higher risk of getting a few hundred HPV strains?

Zombie brains like ours need four cores in a smartphone. But humans? They don't need that.

People always wanted Minority Report because it looks glamorous and fun... in the movies.

The Mac Pro line died when Final Cut Pro died.

I hope Apple doesn't drop the support for the ExpressCard port on 17 inches MBP. That is pretty useful for video production. USB 3 support would also be a plus.

Nokia's Lumia 800 is the most beautiful phone I have ever seen. I don't really care if it is a little slower...

I wonder what other hole he used for the earphones.

This is great news! We will only need to learn how to feed on human brains (from the poor people) without vomiting. That will help us save the planet from global warming, super population and lack of meat!