
From now on this column will be forever known as the

You dont have the faintest idea what the fuck you are talking about as usual with you left wing fucking assholes

yeah but you shouldnt commit suicide because of what is going to happen to your bunghole in prison

He’s got R. Kelly’s lawyer??

Hillary is a AMORAL cunt.


I actually ran into her one day in Greenwich Village.

irregardless of how you feel the owner can make his own rules

this would be great for certain human populations like sexual predators etc

If women didnt have vaginas men would ignore them and would let them fend for themselves from the get go

and I believe he was shit faced drunk


kinda the sam thing happenened to my girlfriend.

You must get paid by the word to write about a absolutely abysmal show that hasnt been funny since Eddie Murphy was a member of the cast.


yes I did.....

Dick Puller perhaps???

The main reason salt was added to butter was to keep it from going bad before people had fridges.

Actually in today’s money J. D.Rockefeller would be worth around $350 BILLION

As opposed to younger women who think that hooking up on Tinder etc etc and just fucking whoever is some kind of empowering and meaningful statement?