
Jamoneisha is most likely is just as bad

or about the rights of Orthodox Jewish women and female children all over the World who are subjugated, exploited and degraded by the Male orthodoxy.

And what about Maxine Waters freedom fighter friend

Everything black people expect they will get from affirmative action is not happening.

Everything black people expect they will get from affirmative action is not happening.

They should do a show like “Bar Rescue”

Just to fuck with these uppitty a-holes I would ban parking all together or alternate side of the street parking on a yearly basis. So half could park and the other half couldnt I am sure you can figure out what would happen then. I would form a production company and sell it The History channel.It would be hilarious

This is just another bullshit move by DeBozo that will go nowhere.

This is just another bullshit move by DeBozo that will go nowhere.

This is just another bullshit move by DeBozo that will go nowhere.

Hey Jason,

Weird right?

What about parents that have really shitty musical taste like you?

What the hell is a “bra pad”?

One painting or 100k, it doesnt matter

I love how you racists just LOVE to lump all white people together.

i am agreeing with you relax

Fresh Direct.


its like Amazon!! they drive me nuts