
“We’re going to close for the next couple of days”

When I was about that age I am guessing you are 20 yrs old

Euchre is WAY better than spades

Frisbee is cool if it is made out if aluminum foil

Chris Christie should shut the fuck up and bail

Rape is unwanted sexually intercourse

Is there some hollow mountain where aliens incubate eggs and hatch fully formed human beings that are bred to be incredibly fucking stupid??

Too bad shitty black so called actors arent being targeted by the Aryan Nation and getting date raped because if that was the case these FUCKWADS would shut their pie holes

Why do you assume she is a racist??


The worst part is that I am commenting on it being the worst because worst of all is why would anybody even think this was worth writing about in the first place

And he has never been to New Haven

I am a Chef in a high end casual place

He reminds me of Andy Dick with brown hair

Is that code??

I didn’t know the Queen of goop had enough going on that would be even mildly interesting to a person

Well the Duggar are laying low

Sorry don’t you mean

With a look like that I bet all his “best friends” are about 16 yrs old and go to prep school on the Upper East side

Where is he at in the length and girth department ladies??