Alex C

I'm genuinely shocked Hamilton Nolan didn't write this. I'm sure he's to busy celebrating a defeat of the free market and individual choice.

Not sure what happened in this case but they can with a 2/3 override. If one party ever controlled 2/3 of Congress the POTUS would literally be irrelevant.

I think both sides in this are wrong. Let a private business owner decide who uses which bathroom on their property. No need for government to be involved. Personally if I were a business owner in 2016 I’d just have a couple of single occupancy unisex bathrooms to avoid all this nonsense.

They don't need too because they play a balanced schedule. Every team plays each other at each other's home ground once a piece. Most accurate way of determining a champion possible. There are not strength of schedule differences so hence no need for play offs.

This is gross. Not because he's gay, because he's 90 and the other guy is 40.

A Benny is a person from New York or North Jersey that invades the Jersey Shore every summer. Brooklyn Elizabeth Newark New York. It's not a piece of useless currency.

Call me old fashioned, but I think that Schilling can have personal opinions and still manage to talk about baseball on TV. If ESPN wants to fire him, that’s certainly their right as a private organization. But there’s something that just puts me off about this torch & pitchfork march to purge the public square of any

Every man pays for sex. Every single one. Except men who pay for prostitutes. With a prostitute you aren't paying her for the sex, you're paying her to leave afterwards.

I hope Rolling Stone literally has to buy Phi Psi Monticello to live in. As for Jackie, she’s sincerely lucky not to be headed for prison. Fuck her, and fuck Erdley.

Oh, I get it now. Hey, you had me. Touché.

I could try to reason with you, but you've clearly demonstrated that that would be useless, so fine, I'll join you in the gutter. Go fuck yourself.

There’s something very hypocritical about the opposition to “manspreading,” by women. There’s an argument in feminist circles that men shouldn’t be dictating say, abortion law, because we don’t have uteruses. Or, that we really shouldn’t commenting on women’s issues at all, lest it be, “mansplaining,” because we lack

By “Hulked the fuck out,” you mean he sued Gawker for $115 million and won? That’s an odd campaign strategy.

So, you got your mom to move from one propaganda station, to another profaned a station that simply spews propaganda you agree with? That's not an accomplishment.

That’s a lie. He shit right when he was tased. People who don’t need to shit, do so when tased. So he definitely let it go at that point.

I can’t believe they’re supporting an admitted rapist convicted by a jury in a court of law? Wait, what? Police aren’t even investigating? We don’t even know if he was expelled for a sexual allegation, in a contemporary university climate that treats men accused of sex crimes as guilty until proven innocent, while

Holtzclaw isn't white

He’s Asian, not white.

How many men and women have pursued dreams of being a professional athlete? Did they all become serial rapists?

You’re confusing privilege with being a complete sociopath. You’re right, plenty of men and women pursue careers that don’t work out. Almost none of them become serial rapists. It has nothing to do with

He’s right, but let’s not act like this is unique, or the story wouldn’t be the same if the shoe was on the other foot. Because the shoe has been on the other foot and Democrats reacted the same way. Schumer saying that the Democrats should reject anyone Bush nominates when Stevens said he’d retire. Now he’s denying