Alex C

Just, to play devil’s advocate for a second, isn’t it possible she’s lying? I mean, think of it this way, if she was accusing him of stealing cash from her wallet while they were together, would you be as quick to convict him in your own mind? How come sex crimes are the one class of crimes where the accused doesn’t

Speak for yourself there guy.

Apply that logic to any other crime. I’ve never got the whole, “teach men not to rape,” logic. You extend that logic and you start to get to, “why do our doors need locks, why can’t we just teach people not to steal.” Or take it even further and, why do we even need police, why can’t we simply teach people not to

Sex is an “invasion,” of women’s bodies? Good Christ, you’re really not doing much to kill the stereotype that feminists are a bunch of bitter man haters.
What a horrible fucking way to see a natural and enjoyable (when consensual) act.

Can't wait to watch the Giants beat the Redskins on Sunday worse than we beat them in the 17th Century.

Islam isn’t a race, so I fail to see how anyone was being racist towards him? This kid’s race is Caucasian, same as your garden variety white guy. Also, all this suit will do is take away resources from other kids in that district. Lastly, children of every race, ethnicity, and religions have been caught up in

They were playing the Redskins, right? And they beat the Redskins? Seems like the Redskins really blew an opportunity to gain on the Giants. Oh Redskins, sometimes it seems like they'll never be competitive. I can't even remember the last time the Redskins were good. Redskins.

1. Charlie Sheen is an unsavory, unfavorable member of society.

It's not rape, it is reckless endangerment.

I actually really like them both. For real though, Anthony Bourdain hanging out with Bill Murray...if there's a Heaven I hope that's it.

This is going to be a repetitive cycle until one sides just gets sick of it. The more protests there are, the more swastika’s or racial slurs will turn up on campus buildings, the more threats will come in via Yik Yak and other means. The more inflamitory everyone will get. I’m not saying that’s justified, I’m saying

The Christian Right, proving that Western Civilization’s addiction to being offended can effect people of all political stripes.

Death is but a door, time is but a window. He’ll be back.

not if you’re a white male apparently.

First off, yes, these hearings were a circus. I really don’t give a fuck what happened in Benghazi. But for real, if Hillary Clinton is going to play the sexism card, she shouldn’t be running for office. Equality means that if you fuck up, you get called out. She’s open to all the same asinine accusations as all

What if they were black females? Then would it be okay. Sounds like you have a problem with white males, not really the content of these hearings.

For some people, yes, it’s definitely code. In my experience, though, there are some people for whom it’s an honest point.

Well, I'd hope that you, me, and Murph (now) can agree that it's best when athletes just comment on sports. They don't need to be pundits, we have way, way too many of those as is.

You do realize the point of deliberate hyperbole, right?

I was paraphrasing Murph. It’s not a choice. In fact, I’ve had long drawn out debates myself with people who think it is a choice.