Alex C

More of that Republican War on Wome—- oh wait, Warren Buffet? Oh...awkward.

Congratulations. You heard people express views different from your own without vomiting. That's called being an adult.

The book didn't cause this guy to rape. Culture doesn't cause people to rape. Lack of sex doesn't cause people to rape. Clothing doesn't cause people to rape. People rape because their brain works differently than the majority of others' brains. They rape because they are bad people. Unfortunately, bad people exist,

I think Giulani's comments were way out of line, but to be fair, no, he's not racist, at least not for those comments. Have heard plenty of GOP talking heads say the same shit about white Democrats. Harry Reid, Pelosi, Debbie WS, and even another NYC Mayor, Bill DeBlasio.

People do need to remember how much the

Ayn Rand = objectivism
Rand Paul = libertarianism (sort of)

Ayn Rand would have hated Rand Paul, as she hated all libertarians, feeling they were weak, because libertarians embrace voluntary altruism and selflessness. The only commonality between libertarianism and objectivism is a rejection of force to achieve and ends

Yeah, so selfish, he travels around the world providing pro-bono medical care to the underprivileged. What have you done to help the poor, besides vote to give them other people's money?

He actually spends a lot of his off time providing pro-bono eye surgeries to economically challenged patients all over the world.

Didn't believe this for the same reason I didn't believe Rolling Stone when I first read it. It reads like an extreme caricature. The Rolling Stone article read like the most extreme horrific caricature of fraternity men, someone could dream up. It made no sense.

How come no one, for a second, stops to think, "Hey, maybe this guy didn't rape her."?

You're nuts, and you have no concept of what supply and demand is, or how an economy works etc. At this point, you're whole thing about how I didn't pay for a doctor to go to school, is just fucking nuts. You're right I didn't. The doctor paid for himself to go to school, or he earned a scholarship, I don't know. But

"So you want to claim you do not profit from the education of a physician when he or she treats your illness? You are not profiting from the education of an engineer when you drive a car?"

Oh no, of course I've benefited from those things. And I paid for it. When I go to the doctor, my insurance (which I pay every

Look, obviously we are never going to agree. You are a value collective need over individual property rights. I am an individualist, you are a collectivist. But a couple of your points didn't make sense and contradicted each other.

1. How am I free loading off of someone else's education? I paid to go to school, I

Yes, pure democracy is mob rule. Example. Right now, we are exercising our free speech. Now, if I called you some horrible slur right now, something very disgusting and hateful, this website could censor me. They could post it, and people could tell me what an asshole I am. But, I could not be arrested for it. I could

Get the fuck out is a child's argument first of all. Second, no force? Please explain to me what happens if I don't pay taxes? Honestly, I'm dying to hear how taxes are optional.

Why should I leave, the government is what sucks? And where do I go? Every inch of land on the planet is under some form of government. It's pretty small minded that you actually don't realize that we could have roads, bridges, or any of those other things without government. Also, all I said was that taxes shouldn't

I never said I didn't want to give back. I said it's not right to take things from people by force. You run into the common error of assuming that just because I don't want to be forced to do something by the government, means I don't want it done at all.

Really, I chose to be part of this society? I don't remember that. I was born, I don't recall signing any social contract. And oh God, you went with roads, seriously. Government doesn't build roads. Taxpayers build roads. Government has $0. Government takes money from people uses it to build roads, and does a

Actually I don't think you understand democracy. I understand it completely, which is why I don't care for it. Pure democracy is mob rule. It's tyranny of the majority. America is not a democracy, it's a republic with a democratic means of choosing leaders. States with heavy referendum use, like Switzerland, those are

"That's great. Tax 'dem couples. Tax 'em until they have to shave off a week from their kid's summer-long stay at an equestrian camp in the Adirondacks so the rest of us can get some free community college classes."

If I live to be 1,000 years old, it'll never make sense to me why it's considered greedy to want to

From experience, all the sororities at my school were allowed too and occasionally did host parties. Typically, we could only get them to agree to host during Rush, because they wanted to control which girls could attend (i.e., no brothers girlfriends, especially from other sororities). But that was only 2 weeks out