If he didn’t want to be tackled by her, he shouldn’t have been dressed like that
If he didn’t want to be tackled by her, he shouldn’t have been dressed like that
Title NEIN
Counterpoint: Method Man has his own “grab ‘em by the pussy” moment: he is documented to have appeared on a Limp Bizkit album.
+1 who here just saw some titties?
Getting owned by Chuck Todd is like striking out in Tee-Ball.
It’s OK to emphasize the “Cubs won!” part as well.
I love Chicago. I’ve visited it twice—once in ‘98, once in ‘13—it’s an incredible city. (I know some might find this limited, but consider your experiences in London or Dublin or Paris.) I’ve seen Sosa hit, I’ve seen Wood pitch, I’ve seen Lake Michigan from a high-rise, I’ve dropped into LM after a pickup soccer…
Cubs fan here. You just had the best post of the night. Kudos, sir
The Cubs last won the pennant in the most American year of all time...1945! The USA kicked some fascist ass and the Cubs won the pennant. The timing seems spot on to me.
Money. That’s all that matters when you have no soul.
Here is my enormous 10 month old baby in his 4 year old brother’s Giants shirt. We are happy to talk baseball.
Uggggggh fuck the Cubs, fuck that HR, and fuck Posey’s double that was almost out of the park.
You just said everything I was thinking. God bless you! And may God bless the Chicago Cubs!
We can have both kinds of posts. Plenty of electrons to go around.
coulda just said “stick to sports!”
Clapping gif party?
2016 me: “pussy” will be said repeatedly on CNN.
I’m more scared of what happens to America if the Cubs win the World Series than I am if Trump wins.
Honestly, I cannot understand the batshit mental acrobatics and internalized misogyny that would enable any woman to defend Trump’s comments.
Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.