jesus what a fucking prick. he should be forced to do community service in a mosque every day for the rest of his life.
jesus what a fucking prick. he should be forced to do community service in a mosque every day for the rest of his life.
Chalupa batmom looked at chalupa batman and told him sometimes when she does kegels she gets close to climaxing. Chalupa batmom does not have a filter. Chalupa batman hasn’t left me. He’s a saint.
That was fucking shade, wasn’t Obama just written about as being a reader even while in office?
Does lifting champagne flutes of Dom to my lips count?
I work out plenty you pauper
Dude this probably happened in like the 20s when people couldn’t afford to have the privilege of being a sanctimonious vegan. Lighten up.
You found the vegan. Here is your star.
Sorry but I only work out on floors made of diamond you fucking plebes.
How funny I just started following Esther on instgram last night as I talked in a baby voice into my phone at her cause she’s such a sweet baby.
Omg plz tell me more about that.
‘He’s very comfortable with his win’
:( poor Betty
Signed and shared
I heard that SNL writers were having a hard time writing skits about him because no matter how outlandish they were it still sounded too true to life.
Now people will finally see Trump for the well adjusted and secure individual he is. Nothing says ‘I’m fine’ better than decreeing a holiday for the party no one showed up to.
I can imagine them and my ovaries tingle when I do.
We’ll be well into this presidency when we start trying. I go back and forth between thinking ‘I can’t wait to hold CB baby in my arms and smell his/her sweet baby smells’ and ‘Literally we might all die in the next 4 years what is the point’