There is pointedly nobody around for Mindy St. Claire. When they met her, she said that nobody had spoken to her in 30 years.
There is pointedly nobody around for Mindy St. Claire. When they met her, she said that nobody had spoken to her in 30 years.
I cackled with glee at Chidi going back to the almond milk as the cause of his eternal damnation.
This seems like cross-promotion for American Vandal.
For the same reason he tore down the Old Sugarman cabin: there’s no point wallowing in the past. After everything Bojack went through with the death of Sarah Lynn and what happened to Hollyhock, he’s trying to be better.
My girlfriend, whose mom is pretty similar to Beatrice, saw that moment as less “Bojack being kind to his mother in her final days,” and more “Bojack caving in and performing for his mother thus fulfilling the role she has assigned him.” It’s an interesting take.
“Can you taste the ice cream, Mom?” “Oh Bojack. It’s so.. delicious”. I was prepared for this episode to end with Bojack saying or doing something awful to his mother, because that’s what Bojack always does, but for him to show kindness? To put his lifetime of justified grievances with his mother behind him to give a…
I haven’t seen the movie, but I do know that CinemaScore is the group that regularly gives Happy Madison movies As and Bs, so I wouldn’t read to much into that score.
Also, after reading the whole thing, there’s this middle part where he conflates dragonglass, which is obsidian, and Valyrian steel into this thing called “dragonsteel” and asks: “I ask you, what happens when dragonsteel pierces someone’s chest? Would it not be logical to conclude that they, too, turn into an Other”.…
I remember Azor Ahai tempering his blade with Nissa Nissa’s blood, but her becoming an Other (and the bride of the Night King) is not a thing that happened.
Like a lot of other, this episode hit hard. As I’ve said elsewhere on Kinja, Bojack Horseman and Pearl from Steven Universe are my spirit animals, and if you know what’s up with those two characters, you probably have, or at least recognize, depression. I’ve had issues with depression and, after intuiting it for…
Bojack in this season has a bit/lot of something of all my favourite series. I am totally for the 30 rock wordplay btw.
Hey guys this episode really fucked me up but in a way that can be good? I think mostly because it shows (so accurately it hurts) just how intrusive and powerful depression & anxiety are. I think that will be helpful in showing others who don’t have it how it can be and try to bridge an understanding between the two.
“You piece of shit” is BoJack’s version of “You Stupid Bitch.” Yet another parallel between this show and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
BoJack is aware that his behavior hurts the people he cares about, and he feels guilty that they suffer as a result, and he’s finally working up the nerve to try and change that behavior. Part of his self-loathing feedback loop, and also his motivation for trying to break out of those destructive patterns, is that…
“with episodes like “Love And/Or Marriage” and “That’s Too Much, Man!” sending characters on cosmic benders. And in the latter case, ending in similarly devastating ways.”
The Good Place had the best first season of any comedy since at least Arrested Development, maybe ever.
Now that we have season tags, and review specific tags, can we please, for the love of god, get episode number tags? Like it should say [Season 1] [Ep. 06] on the tags above the article, that way if you are sorting by season, especially on mobile, you don’t have to keep backing out and clicking different articles to…
Other than the food situation, there’s nothing that bugged me more about this sentient animal world than the implication that Garfield still exists as a well known fictional character. Is he just a lazy fat guy? In this world a cat eating lasagna isn’t abnormal.
Ugh that was really low-hanging fruit. Now I feel bad & sad.
Then again it is Texas. I imagine their police as Walker Texas Ranger* and roundhouse kicking starving children in the head.