
He confirms Gwyneth’s account in in the Times story.

I don’t think he made a statement, but the New Yorker article said that he confirmed Goopy’s statement through a representative. He’s the only man that seems to come out of this looking... not awful.

They had everything to lose and nothing to gain. Imagine how it must be to victims everywhere when America voted in an abuser to the highest office in the land.

Exactly. And you have to wonder if Roseanna feared not only the repercussions against her, but if he would lash out against her entire family.

not to mention Rosanna Arquette, who’s entire family is in the industry

Re: The Gwyneth Paltrow story, it strikes me that Brad Pitt is the first guy who comes out of this looking like he took a stand when he heard of something happening. Interesting to see he was also quick about confirming this story (through his “people”), as opposed to other actors who are denying up and down that they

Paltrow & Jolie are from Hollywood families. If Blythe Danner’s daughter and John Voight’s daughter didn’t feel comfortable speaking up for fear of repercussions, what does that tell you about the level of power Harvey Weinstein had over the entertainment industry? I hope this illustrates for people how deep this

I just read the New Yorker piece, and the common thread from everyone interviewed was how dirty and ashamed all the women felt. And that’s in their own head with the story NOT front page news. It takes a really strong person to want to tell that kind of story and have that kind of feeling publicly.

For each of these women who has spoken up, I fear there are hundreds who haven’t. The description that fear turns him on is bone chilling. I would wager that he has raped many women.

I get the feeling they mean “why would you want to torture Rachel with Nick?” :D

You suggested that Nick should have picked her - that’s a terrible fate by any measure.

Oh, for sure.

Yes, but parading the special needs kids you teach solely in order to make yourself seem more desirable and sympathetic to reality tv audiences is a bit calculated. Yes, those kids may have wanted to be a part of the episode, but overall the whole thing was a horrible attempt to make Vanessa seem like-able.

No, that’s just Jasmine.

You don’t get to say that to Americans right now. ;)

What did Rachel ever do to you?

bieber is the only good thing about this country right now.

The funniest part is vanessa’s whole act of “i love my students so much” is shown for what it is: an act. She showed them like a parade and then dropped them for a 3 time Bachelor loser who dumped her less than a year later.

True love is dead. How do we get her to take Bieber back to Canada with her?

What is the opposite of being shook?