
Think for a second. Think about how egotistical you need to be to start the season as QB, have your shoulder explode around week 2, not come back until the end, see your team go 1-15 and think “heh, nailed it.”

He’s right. Those are the same people who insisted that LiLo’s movie career was over, and look how wrong they were about that.

“it was usually just shorthand for a menu screen”

The dual screen was a boon for RPGs and a number of other games. It was quirky with ports and straight up sidescrollers, but games that purposely decided to take advantage of it ended up being excellent.

The Zelda games had some amazing dual screen boss fights, and I appreciated its function in GTA. For the most part, it was superfluous.

I loved Skyfall. Almost as much as I loved Casino Royale.

I know the later ones are despised by many, but I like all the Daniel Craig Bond movies. Even in a pure spectacle action movie, it makes a huge difference to have such good actors in all the roles- Bond, the villains, the heroines, Moneypenny, M, Q, everyone. Even the costumers and set designers are bringing their

Making a season highlight tape without a QB is impressive. The Jets have been doing it now for about 46 years.

Speedrun truthers are the woooooorrrrrrst.

I too remember when the Pokemon were based off of animals like:

Mr. Mime? Cubone? Nidoran? Lots of Gen-1 weirdos.

So, that was the plan. Save Romo from getting hurt and try to retain some value if they could talk someone into a trade.

If Romo needs a recharge for his career, I am sure Philadelphia will provide the batteries.

Somehow, some way, this will end the Cowboys season.

Read the headline and just assumed he’d injured himself again. I guess we’ll have to wait until four or five minutes in to the game.

She’s treated a lot like how Serena Williams is treated. Williams has been called a man by so many people and so has Michelle. I’m wondering if it is because both women are black, strong and athletic. That racist can’t stand their mix of strength and power so they deny their womanhood.

The constant flood of Michelle Obama comments over the last 8 years really do flummox me.

“I’m not a racist — those are only things I say from my true heart-of-hearts in private to my friends!”

I wouldn’t want the sun to go down on me either. Having my genitalia incinerated by superheated plasma really doesn’t sound very pleasant.

Fixed AoE spells that were causing splash damage to caster. As hilarious as it was to watch newbie wizards blow themselves up ultimately it was decided that this is not conducive to a welcoming environment.