
Do drinks count?  Give me Snapple Element drinks back or give me death!  And bring back Frutopia while you’re at it!

Quarantine has got me up to 2 bumps of Batman: TAS every day.

The worst part about you copying my comment is that you somehow did it 33 minutes before I posted my comment. You are a masterful thief.

There’s nothing in the rulebook that says a dog can’t play basketball! Therefore, we must surrender our own judgment and allow this dog to play basketball until someone else tells us what to do!

“Warning: Easy Off Oven Cleaner should NOT be mixed with Kahlua for a tasty cocktail, not fed to babies In lieu of pureed peas, not used a currency to purchase a monthly transit pass (continued on other box)...”

My theory is that AT&T’s plan to put every 2021 WB movie on HBO Max was that the HBO division winds up overpaying the costs of all the WB movies so that by the end of the year WB and AT&T have spectacular looking books and they can go whoops HBO is in huge debt, how did that happen? Guess we’ll sell off the HBO name

It’s been really fun.  It’s been taking me about a month to finish each one in my spare time.

In June I started replaying every main FF. I took a break for December but I’m currently in the middle of FF9.

I just printed an Aquaman sticker and put it on my box of Goldfish crackers.

I just got the Batman:TAS set but haven’t sat down and watched it yet. I’m surprised there wasn’t a Superman set yet. Did they do the New Batman Superman Adventures?

You know what, we should all counter this toxic incel produced event by not going onto HBO Max that week .

I mean, if they sell a million of them they’ll make back the cost of producing the “SnYdEr CuT”.


Morph dies in the first episode? Weird, I feel like I would have noticed Wolverine mentioning if it that had happened.

Mine is Frosty Village from Diddy Kong Racing

I can only hope that these will be clips from the movies with narration by Michael Peña as Luis.

If you really want to know..

I don’t think he’s in this photo

I’m a Shaaaaark!

They already did, in 7