
I learned the hard way that I can only shave them lightly, or risk awful ingrown hairs. On boob. Not cool

Mines is a fashion choice, thank you

GAL please

Oh girl 🤢 here in the South, you’re a girl til you dead... Drives me bananas

Anti abortionists

Wow!!! Had not seen that until you said something. Thank you for what I’m now snickering heartily over.

Verdant. Nice use

Best comment ever

Umm only if you accept liberal refugees from the war-torn areas. I’ve got a crew in Alabama, of all places, who would be forever grateful. 😂

Yes, but it’s that much higher when a gun is present.

Hello, wrong. It’s state-by-state licensing, so that may be true in your state, but it’s not the same everywhere, and there are many places where direct-entry midwives (i.e., only very recently required to have so much as a high school education) can fully operate in any kind of homebirth...and babies and women die.…

Haha, I said the same thing! Someone else said that a piece of scotch tape works for them. Another said liquid anbesol stops it for 24 hours. All things to add to the arsenal 😂

I do a hot spoon, but I’ll try tape, especially on the kids.

I’ll add a hot spoon. I actually read it on a meme and rolled my eyes, but was desperate one night and tried it, and it worked. Do it as soon as you notice the bite. Make a cup of tea, put a spoon in it. After the spoon has had a minute to get hot, dry it off and test it. When it’s hot, but not hot enough to burn, tap…

Hey! Just wanted to tell you that I wanted, then had, an all-natch birth with my first. With my second, I thought I’d want the same, but I got new information on the matter, and requested a 39th week induction and epidural. Well, the whole thing was glorious, and I’ll be doing that again for any future babies. If you…


I feel for all the other actors in the show who won’t be getting those residual checks any more.

Yeah, Grandma should have a talk with her.

Thank you for thinking of that!