
oh, i'm sure he dressed it up for the video, like a regular silly boy with a sense of humour and the window dressing - the hat, the moustache - is all for yuks - I mean he's only 8 years old, heck, whoever heard of an 8 year old with a moustache? not me.

sorry - bit dazzled by the article - is that a cactuar avatar?

oh man, we threw this around a few years back. they actually did a "the final chapter". Resident Evil franchise, you're too much.

Great scene in Dead Man: In a nice break from the admin grind, John Hurt's character gets to suggest, "well, go on then lad, there's the door", then lazily laugh at Johnny Depp as he leaves Mitchum's office, terrified.…

the teenage girls are breakaway alternate personalities? Like the DID equivalent of tear-off track pants?
I'm right about this, aren't I?

The hunting accident victim at the top of Affliction was named Twombley, which I took to be the anglicization of Tremblay, but, genealogy authority and first google result, attributes the name to the "Americanization" of Tremblay.

Its taken me over 20 years but, reflecting on it now, I realize that I've finally grown enough - as a person - to appreciate Filmation's Horseshit Ghostbusters. It was aesthetically consistent.

bull SHIT the wire is on netflix that's HORSE shit

remember the rube with the short gf who went to war with the lawyer and came back murdered to demonstrate how war is hell on the handsome survivors? remember that guy? pretty much had fucking tin soldier red spots painted high on his cheekbones? naivety as death mark? Man, FUCK downton abbey.

Remember when Friday the 13th part 4 called itself "The Final Chapter" instead of "Requiem"? Sheesh, Friday the 13th part 4, read a book.

having a sequel called "Apocalypse" ("Armaggedon", "Extinction", "Brickshit Wrecked on Saturday Night and my Grampa's in the Hospital") is the midlife-crisis-miata-driving stage of a horror franchise's lifecycle.