

As a Lit student at ASU I can tell you that once this class was announced on the register it became full in a hot second. People could not stop talking about how excited they were for this class. I really hope this course continues to be available so I have the chance to take it before I graduate!

Alternate Fox News approved course titles:

You know how sharks need to keep swimming or they'll die (allegedly, probably an urban legend)? He was like the humping shark, if he stopped humping he would die.

I gotta be honest, I'm kind of embarrassed that you call it a "blowie."

Needs more stars.

So right after a shitty break up this summer I hit up an old booty call from OKCupid. He was really cool, but the sex. Oh god.

I really want to read "Sensual Japanese Love Poems".

This is fantastic. I would hire you for any high-pressure job based on this anecdote alone.

My very first.

Yeah, she's only 18. We all banged embarrassing people when we were 18. Her time will come.

His name was Javier and I met him when I worked at the bookstore in college. He was super hot, but that's because all he cared about in the world was his body. Good for him! Good for him. But between working out and moisturizing and hair care and trimming and and and, there was...not much left. But super hot and

I'm sorry, did you mean to submit to a "Hero Stories" contest?

Ugh I have done the 'slept with him again to try to validate the original choice' thing before. It's not a good moment and tough to describe to people who don't do that. :/


Was it the iron-worker who was a secret libertarian

This ballerina dude who was in charge of "gospel dance" at his new age-y church. When we were done, he rolled off, and put a handmade hemp bracelet on me with five different colored beads.

YES, that is my forever vote. And once again:

A Juggalo. I would elaborate but I don't really think that's necessary.