
I was on board once the Doug Forcett joke landed.

Wasn't Deadpool just too clever by half brotasticness? I sort of hated it. Well, the 45 minutes I watched on HBO before deciding nah, I'm going to bake a pie now.

This at least sounds interesting.

Yeah, I actually got my kitchen confidence by watching him. He's a fantastic teacher. My wife, who is in fact a teacher, says his pedagogy is pretty flawless.

We watch with the subtitles on because our kids are light sleepers, and I swear to god, two characters having a conversation about him will call him Pop and Pops, sometimes in the same sentence. It's just… annoying.

Goddammit, is he Pop or Pops?!?!?!

We watched a couple more. It was WInona Ryder's falsetto hysterics that finally caused us to give up. Just couldn't take any more weepy whining. I did ask a good friend who was over the moon for the show, and he admitted the resolution in the finale was lackluster at best. So I don't feel particularly cheated.

And interestingly, I feel John William's score for The Force Awakens was so far in the background that I barely noticed it, aside from Rey's theme and the X-Wing assault. That might be due more to Abram's pacing, which allowed no small moments, like Binary Sunset in A New Hope, which is still my all-time favorite

Is anyone else reminded of Miller's Crossing while watching this show, and this ep especially?

Hey Yoder, how about a sober dulcimer, 'cause your technique was hammered and fall down drunk.

There are some bands that you have to see live in order to fully appreciate. The Who. Bowie. Crimson. The Locust. Neurosis. If you love music, seeing these bands (even on film) will change your life.

Aside from the nostalgia factor and the long-form X-Files meets The Goonies vibe, why is this show such a phenomenon? As the review accurate summarized, the entire episode was poorly written, badly constructed, and generally devoid of interesting characters.

An academic way of saying Dinosaur Jr. is still a great band, and their new album rocks. If you like Dinosaur Jr.'s previous albums, or you like guitar rock in general, you should check it out.

Well, maybe when your spouse was the victim of date rape hearing a comic wax philosophical about how fingering an unconscious girl shouldn't be a problem goes beyond humorously offensive and straight to Jesus Christ, this guy.

History is filled with examples of soldiers in a war finding a moment to play a game of baseball. Most WWII Army Air Force airfields in England had a baseball field. Most forward bases in Afghanistan have basketball courts. Even soldiers on the eastern front in WWI played football.

After being tricked into watching Jim Jefferies, my wife and I came back to David's new special and felt at home. And he's right. If at this point you're offended by his comedy in a live setting, it's because you don't pay attention.

It's Donald Glover.

Trump will definitely opt out of all presidential debates.