
This show has the best cinematography on "TV."

All you need to say is farting boner corpse.

I didn't love it. Littlefinger pulling a Theoden was telegraphed from a million miles away, but for some reason Sansa never let Jon know? She could have saved the majority of their men if she'd just said, "Hey brother, wait an hour. Just wait."
And why did the Masters' fleet surrender just because two of them were

Cut & run.

Every episode this season has had several moments that have caused me to squirm. Usually dialogue, usually Elektra or Karen. Just seemed to me like they ran out of time to refine the scripts and decided "Daredevil fights" was enough to carry the episode.

I would have been happier with a sequel. To my mind, a reboot implies the new version will be an improvement, that there are things about the original that were lackluster and need to be updated, improved, or enhanced. And sorry, Ghostbusters is officially one of the Top 5 Comedies of All-Time. It's like rebooting The

"Citing artistic differences

Some of Star Wars greatest mythology is never explained. It's just someone everyone in the story understands and recognizes, but the audience is left only to imagine the backstory. Think Clone Wars (prior to the PT), that bounty hunter on Ord Mantell, Lando's maneuver at Tanaab, etc.
So I'm fine with these "plot holes"

The script is nothing short of masterful. It is seriously a beautiful film. I loved it unreservedly.

Great band.
Gillard looking out of frame in the photo…
"Hey Doug. It's me. Bob. Come back."

How about Will Forte in Last Man On Earth?

In order to watch CBS's new Trek you'll have to buy a subscription to their dedicated streaming service. I'd rather nail my testicles to a chair and hop to Poughkeepsie.

I give up. Still initial reaction to The Phantom Menace. How could I get it so wrong?

Dang. Nope, still Episode I.
“…probably one of the most deliriously inventive films to have appeared in years: it displays all of George Lucas's uncommon magic, a wide-eyed genius for adventure narrative that is beyond any ordinary capacity for wonder, and in many respects the latest episode proves itself to be a more

Oh crap, that was actually for Episode I.
Hang on…
"The simple fact is this is a fun movie that only dedicated Star Wars-haters will fail to enjoy on some level. It has the requisite amount of monster madness and laser-showered space-based dog fights, and the climactic showdown is everything you'd hope for, combining a

"By no means the feared anti-climactic disappointment, Episode VII vitally succeeds in holding its own against the legions of blockbusters Star Wars was responsible for. It's an often deliriously exciting adventure, hitting the target audience of 10-year olds and satisfying long-time fans, providing the pop culture

Or realizing that he'd been a victim and led people to him.

I think this show was dissatisfying with regard to their relationship when taken on its own, but I suspect within the context of the entire series there will be the much needed payoff. This show's too thoughtful (so far) to drop such an important ball like that.

I know his drummer is…

Has society reached a point where we can all admit Rush is a good band? Mike Watt is a fan. Ian MacKaye is a fan. Is that not good enough?