
Like, I know you meant greys as in “The blue and the grey”, but honestly, I think we should send him back to the greys as in “grey skin, big eyes, area 51" kinda greys. Seriously, when is the mother ship going to come beam up all the assholes they left here? My theory is that earth is like the Australia of Space, in

Fun Fact: the Mecha Builders are actually powered by a turbine that’s directly connected to Jim Henson’s rapidly spinning corpse. 

Whether it's "the point" or not, it's still good to call attention to inaccuracies in the article.

Oh shit! I’m in trouble!

This comment specifically said for personal use. If it’s not distributed then fair use doesn’t apply, but neither does copyright law. You paid for your Japanese copy and you aren’t taking potential English language sales by distributing it for free. I read and translate Harry Potter in Spanish all the time as a

It’s both. The highest overall and the highest per-capita. That’s an important figure to keep in mind when you think about countries like North Korea and other small dictatorships with lower populations. We have a higher percentage of our population being enslaved and commoditized than even the worst third-world

With the highest per-capita prison population of any country in the world, of course they’re doing everything they can to keep it that way. It’s so much more profitable that way. Imagine if these guys got out of prison trained to enter the workforce. They might actually go straight, and then the private prison

The only real problem is the crappy analog thumb-stick. These games use digital input, so a D-pad would be FAR more appropriate. Playing NES or Gameboy games with an analog stick feels... gross.

How about all the people who died in Star Wars? The original trilogy begins with a genocide. Star Wars Rebels and Clone Wars were both kids shows, but both had characters in plenty of mortal peril. I think your being a bit to sensitive here.

I think you can do a lot without killing of characters. Consider the fact that only 5 people actually died in the original Jurassic Park (Geoffrey the gatekeeper, The lawyer, Nedry, Muldoon, and Sam Jackson's arm). By movie standards that’s practically nothing. 

I can’t wait to see this form factor applied to an even larger device. I’m picturing something that looks like a book, but opens up to a 16:9 foldable tablet. perfect for reading comics on, or laying flat to watch a movie on a decent-sized screen on-the-go. Or turn it sideways and use it like a laptop with some kind

I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Sony playing nice with the Spider-Man film rights. 

That show was dope. Can anyone else remember a single kids show where the wheelchair-bound character was a total badass? That always suck out for me, because in most media IF characters like that were represented at all, they were usually either a sidekick or a friend of the main hero, not a main hero themselves.

Dude, I was all for the female Ghostbusters. Every single cast member is someone I like. But when it came out, I was so disappointed. It wasn’t a matter of them being women, it was just a bad film. At least this concept is close to territory the franchise has covered before. Reminds me of the Extreme Ghostbusters

Fellating the doorbell? nah, mate, it’s cunni-Ring-us!

Thinking about your dog’s pups might give some insight into the reasoning for this from an evolutionary standpoint. Like, how do animals play with their young? By biting, squeezing, and “rough housing” without actually hurting the lil guys.

Plus a boost in player-base for online games. That’s how I console myself when games I bought wind up on plus. At least there’s more people on the servers. Especially for cheaper games with less fan-base. There’s been a few times there’ll be a game I looked that no one is playing, so I spend hours in a lobby waiting.

Now is the time to buy. I literally bought a PS3 last week for $30 on letgo. Keep your eyes on apps like that or garage sales. Is just old enough that people who own them aren’t really playing them, but new enough that people who don't own them anymore aren’t nostalgic for it yet. Same with the 360 and Wii U for that

They are already down. Removed from the store. I'm guessing someone complained about the lazy racist marketing. "Black people like A and B so let's put them together!" Because logic. This seems like it was thought up by some white guy who's only exposure to black culture is Black Panther and Tupac.