
Take your star, you fascist wingnut.

OK, fine, I’ll contribute.

Well, she did say she was having a problem with being able to afford a place to live, maybe she got a deal on a place there (which, from the tone of the article, I doubt, it sounds like it costs a ton to live in that neighborhood.)

Jesus...I know we keep saying this, but...we know how the story goes. We know pretty much all of it. Why secrecy?!

I’ve seen high school games with more attendance than that picture!

I think it’s likely (obviously) a lot of this is due not so much to people deciding it’s time to do the right thing, and completely due to people being very careful to not get caught up doing anything that will catch Mueller’s eye. The rats are quietly sneaking off of the ship while still trying to build up as many

The idea of handing over your personal info to someone who is copyright trolling someone, yet you don’t get their info in return, is infuriating me more than it has any right to. I wish YouTube would drop all this pretense and just come out and say that it’s protecting the rights of trolls more than it is the people

If there was just a channel on PlutoTV that showed just that clip of Pence taken aback, shaking his head over and over on a loop all day, I’d probably watch that more that the MST3K channel.

The real life equivalent of the South Park Little League episode.


Ah, the “If He Had Just Done What The Police Had Said, He Wouldn’t Have Been Shot” take.

Fuck you, David Stern.

We need to face a simple fact: Every fanbase has a contingency of fans like that. They’re just usually not in the equal.

Of course they are.


Even J. Jonah Jameson would look at this guy and say “Whoa, man, you’ve got to chill out a little!”

Yeah, Kevin Knox is getting benched.

Support teams had been gutted.”

It seems like Activision’s plan is to get out more games and make sure that if there’s something broken with them, because they’re rushed along, they’re almost guaranteed that they won’t be fixed. All that will matter is that they’re going to get your money.

This is only the beginning, I

I’m glad that the people who are getting cut are getting a severance package. But that’s about it.

Seeing a company have a record year, still fall below expectations, and the answer is to get rid of 8% of their staff is chilling.

I would love to see how many of Hillsong’s parishioners actively identify as being LBGTQIA. I’m sure it’s not a lot.